A colleague acer S5-371-50VC laptop wifi have been less stable,Previously tried updated drivers and other closing Bluetooth wireless device,Still no improvement,Later, the company changed the enterprise-class wireless AP,This bit unstable colleagues and reaction Wi-Fi,Especially when meeting,Go to the test,Finally find out why。
Recent upgrades to the computer in Office 2007 Time,In the Open Outlook 2007 An error message will appear "Log VB Script DLL failed ',And prompts to perform”regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll”To log in,The shining execution and not solve the problem。
The original host business for over ten years,Customer service recently began in the case of missing,And now unlike before or no income students,So find a good quality web host among,Ready to move。Just yesterday helped His wife applied for a new URL,It is simply the first to move his blog,Relocation process is not a one-stop,So write this article,Record details。
Previously wrote "Sonicwall FortiGate firewall to establish Site to Site VPN"Article,At that time often encounter keep FortiGate devices do Site to Site VPN,And my hand is Sonicwall,The results are sometimes successful implementation sometimes fails,Later, there are times altogether spent some time,The two brands are set to be a way to organize,To facilitate subsequent reference。At that time testing and finishing News,Have found a slightly different FortiGate firmware,Quite the same way will be set,To trouble,Later, he gave the two methods can be successfully established connection”Tunnel”Give”Interface”Are recorded,So that the next encounter revision,You can try different methods。
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Recently introduced the class teacher heard this development tool Visual Studio Code,Try a little later,His highlight color looks quite comfortable,With the exception of the opening speed remains Microsoft's usual style,Oh flattered ~。Recently subtraction use this tool to help modify some grammar,The initial period inevitably there are many places to be adjusted,Therefore, to open this theme will be used to set their own record,If the subsequent increase continuously updated。
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Prior to write a "Deadbeef direct broadcast RAR files"Article,At that time the operating system is Ubuntu 12.10,After now for Manjaro Linux,Also need to make DeaDBeeF play RAR file,With “deadbeef” After doing a keyword search the entire archive directory,Lib path can be found for DeadBeeF “/usr/lib/deadbeef/”,So long as the downloaded plug-in can be copied to this path。
Has always been accustomed to fine round-shaped body as a diary,Therefore after installing OS,One of the new font is also necessary action,But this time in Bahrain Manjaro,Built-in fonts in my diary looks pretty comfortable,So actually there is no hurry to install fonts,But there is a problem caused by a number of typesetting,So it is time to find a body fitted with a fine round。
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Since QTranslate use in a Windows environment,After falling in love with him and hotkey translation function,Just think of Linux-related solutions。Two days before the Internet search translation software for Linux,Still looks some of the previous old faces,There is nothing new goods appear,Later View StarDict (StarDict)Time,Find it a problem because of copyright disputes,Has been off the shelf,But its website as well as several sets of recommended alternatives,After a little comparison,Select the trial GoldenDict 。
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