Jun 23

In the early days of using Ubuntu, I encountered that Ubuntu would set the BIOS time to UTC time.,This caused me to enter Windows,The time is wrong too。I recently reinstalled Manjaro and encountered the same situation.,Checked the information,The setting method is the same as before in ubuntu.。
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Jun 15

Recently reinstalled Manjaro,The built-in Viewnior image browser does not support the WebP format by default,The solution is also very easy,Just install the webp-pixbuf-loader package。
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Apr 23

Before FortiGate firmware download This,More and more content,There are more and more replies,A bit complicated,So I spent some time organizing it,I divided the relevant firmware into "FortiGate」、「FortiWiFi / FortiAP" and "Fortinet other firmware" three categories,and cut into three articles,This article is the download page for "Fortinet Other Firmware"。
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Apr 23

Before FortiGate firmware download This,More and more content,There are more and more replies,A bit complicated,So I spent some time organizing it,I divided the relevant firmware into "FortiGate」、「FortiWiFi / "FortiAP" and "Fortinet other firmware"Three major categories,and cut into three articles,This article is "FortiWiFi / FortiAP's firmware download page。
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Apr 6

  一直以來,The number of visitors to my blog is counted through the website "HiStats",The functions and interface provided by HiStats are quite good.,But in the past few years, I have gradually noticed that blogging will become slower and slower because of HiStats.,What causes slowdowns are connections to specific third-party URLs。After checking the information, someone said,HiStats does sell some information to third parties,That's why there are these URLs。

Searched online for other solutions,Finally found the Sig GA4 Widget plug-in,Traffic data can be retrieved from Google Analytics to display,And I already use Google Analytics,This way it will be simpler。

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Sea 6

The code on this blog is presented through the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plug-in,But I don't know why,I've been having trouble getting my code to render inline,Later I just used it myself span Tags are rendered with CSS,Later I noticed that I have never used the code button on the text editor.,Finally, simply write the new CSS into code Label,Then you can apply it quickly。
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Sea 5

Prior to write a "In wxMEdit(MadEdit)Search newline」,I happened to meet the same need again today,Now we have actually switched from wxMEdit to MadEdit-Mod,The essence is almost the same,Just use the "regular expressions" mentioned in the article to search \n and replace。The strange thing is that I found it,also replaced,However, the newline symbol still exists in the result,and search again \n Can't find it。
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Sea 2

When using Telegram in Manjaro, there has been a problem of being unable to input Chinese through gcin.,I have tried several methods on the Internet,For example, setting the QT_IM_MODULE path,Although you can switch to "Ciyin",But what comes out is still in English,Some people also say that this method only applies to the official version,But I tried and failed,In the end, I had to compare Line,Simulate it as an app through Chrome。
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Feb 19

Quick Report in 1920*1080 resolution plus 125% When the above display setting environment is,The proportion of "Preview Print" will be incorrect.(too big or too small),But the actual printing is normal.,If you want to correct,It is necessary to modify the qrprntr.pas file of Quick Report in the compilation environment,There are two ways to correct it。

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Dec 31

My computer has an external NTFS hard drive.,After recently booting,Click on this drive in Thunar,Will all fail to mount,error message “error mounting wrong fs type bad option bad superblock…”。

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