Sea 2

When using Telegram in Manjaro, there has been a problem of being unable to input Chinese through gcin.,I have tried several methods on the Internet,For example, setting the QT_IM_MODUL path,Although you can switch to "Ciyin",But what comes out is still in English,Some people also say that this method only applies to the official version,But I tried and failed,In the end, I had to compare Line,Simulate it as an app through Chrome。
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Apr 12

i:Start editing at the cursor position。
the:Start editing under the cursor。
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Sea 2

   When Manjaro was updated two days ago,rEFind pops up a message,But i didn't look closely,When booting today,I found the boot menu that was originally attractive to me,Become a very positive interface。

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Apr 26

Several years ago, I searched the Internet for Evernote solutions in Linux,At that time, the OS was Ubuntu,The result found is that the official said that there is no plan to develop,The alternative that the community can find is only NeverNote,But the interface of NeverNote is really not used to it,So later I used the web version of Evernote。After repairing Manjaro recently,I searched the Internet again to see if there were any new solutions,Results found Tusk,Tusk's interface is almost exactly the same as Evernote,Even the way to drag the notepad,Whole heart。


For details, you can go to Tusk 'S website,Very detailed introduction。



Apr 12

 Line Official suggestion to use Line on Linux,This can be achieved by installing the Line Extension (Google Extension) in Google Chrome,So it has been used in this way all the time。Just in use,I always feel that the action of opening Chrome first is a bit redundant,So look online to see if there are other solutions that can be executed in Manjaro,After finding this "Run Chrome's Line extension as a standalone program on Linux"Article,Just what i want(Thank you enough),So try to compare with Manjaro,The following are the steps。

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Apr 14

Weekend ready to practice when open XAMPP php,But how could not find where to install XAMPP,From the "Suite Manager" also show my computer does not install,Although wonder why is removed,But he had to try to install a。When the "Suite Manager" to install from,But the picture cards”Extracting package (this might take several minutes, don’t give up!)”,First let him run more than one hour not moving,The second direct let it run all night,The result is still the same,Searching for a bit,Other users abroad have encountered the same situation,It seems there is no clear solution。Later, go to the official looked at,The original official has provided .run installation file,Installation is almost the same as with Windows,very convenient,It also reminds me of my first two weeks is to use this method of installation,No wonder the "Suite Manager" does not know I have installed (really bad memory to an extreme)。


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Apr 7

A recent study in python,Curriculum development environment using anaconda,Operator interface intuitive feeling,Home wanted to try Manjaro also install up exercises,But a little too smooth。The first installation failed because of lack of space,I realized that anaconda also need to use up the space of a few G,It should be because there are many relationships kit。


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Jan 24

surroundings:Graylog OVA 檔

【change Password】
1. Gear position confirmation graylog.conf,graylog.conf Graylog OVA environment located /opt/graylog/conf/graylog.conf,Please refer to this other environmentConsolidated


2. Through the vi editor graylog.conf。

sudo vi /opt/graylog/conf/graylog.conf
### vi common commands ###
 a 進入編輯模式
 esc 回到指令模式
 :w Archive
 :q leave
 :q! When forget to use sudo to open the archive and no authority,Forced to leave。

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Dec 28

Open source log system - Graylog have provided OVA virtual imaging environment for use,The default network card settings to the initial setting DHCP,So if you do not open up after the allotment to IP,Will be part of the error message,To change the fixed IP,The following steps may be performed:


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Oct 20

Prior to write a "Deadbeef direct broadcast RAR files"Article,At that time the operating system is Ubuntu 12.10,After now for Manjaro Linux,Also need to make DeaDBeeF play RAR file,With “deadbeef” After doing a keyword search the entire archive directory,Lib path can be found for DeadBeeF “/usr/lib/deadbeef/”,So long as the downloaded plug-in can be copied to this path。

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