Environmental advice:WSUS host memory is recommended to be above 8G。
Q. WSUS often or always throws a connection error,Need to reset server node。
A1. Try this first,Put WsusPool(IIS) remove the "special memory limit"。
◎ Reset server nodes WSUS | Old Sen Chang Tan
A2. If not resolved,Try WsusPool(IIS) The "failure interval"(分鐘)」、"Maximum number of failures" increased。

A3. If the problem persists,Try the tutorial below,Reindex the WSUS repository。
Q. When Windows is updated,0x8024401c error out。
A1. Try this first,Adjust WsusPool(IIS) the parameters of。
Windows 10 更新出現0x8024401c錯誤 | Old Sen Chang Tan
A2. If the problem persists,Try the tutorial below,Reindex the WSUS repository。
Q. When Windows is updated,Jump out 0x80244022、0x8024401f error。
Try the steps below,Reindex the WSUS repository。
【Rebuild WSUS database index】
Required tools:
sqlcmd utility – SQL Server | Microsoft Docs
ODBC Driver for SQL Server
Download ODBC Driver for SQL Server – ODBC Driver for SQL Server | Microsoft Docs
Reindex Script
Re-index the WSUS Database · GitHub
◎ Download and install sqlcmd and ODBC Driver for SQL Server。
◎ Download the sql instruction set for rebuilding the index – WsusDBMaintenance.sql。
◎ Here to use Windows Internal Database (WID) A Case Study:
Windows Server 2012 or a newer version,Underside enforcement directive:
sqlcmd -S np:\\.\pipe\MICROSOFT##WID\tsql\query -i C:\WsusDBMaintenance.sql
Windows Server 2008 Versions below R2,Underside enforcement directive:
sqlcmd -S np:\\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query -i C:\WsusDBMaintenance.sql
◎ After the command is successful,about a few minutes,Complete the WSUS index rebuilding action after running。

After I rebuild the index,In addition to solving "reset server node"、"0x80244022" and "0x8024401f" in addition to several problems,Expand the "Update" and "Computer" pages of the WSUS console,Significantly shortened the time。
The Microsoft teaching page mentions that the command to rebuild the index can be set to the work schedule to be executed regularly,So managers can self-assess whether every few weeks or months,Can perform an action to rebuild the index。
- Reset server nodes WSUS | Old Sen Chang Tan
- Windows 10 更新出現0x8024401c錯誤 | Old Sen Chang Tan
- sqlcmd utility – SQL Server | Microsoft Docs
- Download ODBC Driver for SQL Server – ODBC Driver for SQL Server | Microsoft Docs
- Re-index the WSUS Database · GitHub
- Configuration Manager 的 Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Maintenance guide – Configuration Manager | Microsoft Docs
- Reindex the WSUS Database | Microsoft Docs