Windows Server 2012 "Remote Desktop Services took too long to load the user's user settings from the server" appears 20499 event

Our remote connection server (Windows Server 2012 R2) As long as there is a user connected,A record appears in the event record 20499 A warning:

"Remote Desktop Services" took too long to load the user settings of user bbb from server aaa


The article I found at the beginning was all about doing DisableTaskOffload,But this action is invalid in my case,Then in the Microsoft Forum This article,In addition to DisableTaskOffload,Some netizens informed that it is possible to close the clipboard of the remote connection on the User side、Resources such as printers and disk drives,Or close the aforementioned resources from the "Environment" page of the AD account,But this method still doesn't work for me。The discussion thread for this article lasted for several years,Finally, the solution provided by Microsoft finally appeared:


◎ Run regedit,Find the code below (Alternative),:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\Rdp-tcp


◎ Add a set of DWORD named fQueryUserConfigFromLocalMachine,And set to 1。


It will not reappear after connecting 20499 'S warning。



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