Aug 22

Part of the virus will modify the machine code,換桌 further conductive surface 致無 law,So this happens,The machine code can only be removed。


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Aug 22

Jianfan conversion function built-in Word,There are a lot of love users,However, this feature is limited to word only,Other Excel、PowerPoint and so does not have this feature。In the past I used to be converted to excel htm,Then complete the excel font conversion way through third-party conversion。Later learned,The original Microsoft has another plug-in to complement this offer useful features。


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Aug 20

Author:Fu Pei-jung

Press:Nine Press

Publishing Day:2010December

Individual competitions:★★★★☆

Father,Or that the Tao Te Ching,Junior,Yes 紹過 capital through this department,But in my mind,Only know the Taoist school Zhuangzi like fable to illustrate some ideas,Taoism in the end in talking about,Almost tell what they。

Occasionally see this book in the store,Take up a few pages,Feeling seems to like the title of some,There will be original…"a feeling of。Professor Fu non for "I" to explain a chapter by chapter,First, they point out a theme,Explanation mentioned in Chapter I which,This approach seems to make people more likely to put the text of the description of the world。

It took two、Three months before the book reading。I thought of abstruse,Through Fu professor mistranslated,Taoism was finally able to take a closer look。Once you know a way of thinking,去 thinking 換個 angle,Often can be applied in daily life,Therefore benefit。


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Aug 19

执行 gpedit.msc 时,If there is "Access denied。'Message,May be the MMC and start the associated program(Microsoft Management Console)Conductive 致 setting 跑掉,To fix this problem,You can simply reset the file association。


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Aug 19

After the machine 當開,All the desktop shortcut occur、File objects have disappeared,You can try the following solution。


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Aug 19

Recently dealt with a poisoning of the NB,Disinfection is not difficult,The trouble is that the modified virus to restore system settings。Virus is only "high Abduction",Change a lot of set,Spent a lot of time to restore,So to be a record。

Generally open the Task Manager There are two ways,First, in the bottom of the taskbar, right-click to open,Another way to start is through the Ctrl + Alt + Del。When the "Task Manager" is disabled,The first way of menu,"Task Manager" option will become grayscale can not choose;Press Ctrl + Alt + Del can occur "Task Manager has been disabled by your system administrator。'Message。

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Aug 15

office security update for another hair,值星 這回 team arrives excel wheel (2003),檔時 徑的 excel unc path 份 啟部 當開,The screen will stay in the open the process up to more than half a minute,If crash,Although strictly speaking,Can not be regarded as the update file,anyway .. has encountered a problem is always resolved,Resolution method of 這次,Also problematic is the update file to remove。


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Jul 22

Non-cognitive character arrives when current nursing past,The fastest way is to copy and paste to the Ministry of Education Dictionary query pronunciation,But only in the words on the computer,If you encounter a written text can not be copy text,More trouble some,Then windows built-in "Input Method integrator" can come in handy。


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Jul 5


Who hindered you hinder your,Often not who or environment;
Those damn resistance,
Usually comes from you
It should be noted that the constant 豫不,Wandering heart。

From 勇氣之書



Jun 11

Loud CPU fan sound feeling today,Note 沒去 a degree ordinal problems start,试着 使用 indicator cpufreq 去 调整,But not improved,後來才注意到是desktopcouch-service這支程序滿載所導致,And from time to time, this program will continue to repeat the,Later you will see a bunch of desktopcouch-service in execution。

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