On Linux systems use sectors,Have been converted from the previous ext3 to ext4,In fact, with these windows have a lot less chance of,Probably only use it to play games,A few days ago the gap in playing games,Thought, and organize your photos,So there has been browsing needs ext4 magnetic domains in Windows。
When starting a VM,Found that XP does not start,Written above a "inaccessible",Error code is "NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)",Originally thought hung up,Daylights scared,Inquiries,The original file is broken only just started。
LDAP address book in outlook is based on the display sort "Display Name" to sort by this field,The default account is under construction,Will also produce the same content as the full name,In AD environment,You can view the "Display Name" This field,But if you want to modify,Will have to through other tools。
幫老姐的NB重灌OS,現在已經習慣用驅動程式備份軟體將Driver抓出,等灌好再一次灌入,可以節省不少時間,But sometimes incomplete Driver backup problem occurs。This is Dell's Inspiron NB 1440,重灌時是安裝Windows XP,驅動程式還原好後,音效卡的部份出現驚嘆號,雖然驅動有灌進去,But conflict。
Originally intended to kill the mountain early in the morning just eat it
Hope for an early departure can avoid rain
Because the Bureau of Meteorology forecast rainfall probability is 90%…
The observation of this week's rain situation,More rain in the afternoon more easily
After coming back from the island two years ago,Began to have "Wuling,Is it possible? "The idea
As in previous years but still,It always felt distant goal,First on the heart
Deadbeef可以說是在Linux上的foobar2000軟體,除了同樣有簡潔的風格,在檔案支援部份,也能餵他吃cue索引檔,而EQ等化器的部份,更是能直接匯入foobar2000的設定(*.feq),而其中我覺得foobar2000最棒的功能—播放rar檔,Deadbeef be able to do。
前陣子公司開放行動裝置可自由使用wifi網路,在設定好相關網路設定後,實際執行卻發生設備在取得IP時,往往要等待很長的時間,有時還會超過一分鐘以上,Can not even get IP。
A couple of days ago to get NB poisoning,A boot into windows,Appeared a big LOGO,上面寫著「United Kingdom Police」,Next to an old Arab sir,Below is a simple list of your computer specs,Then say what your computer has what,NB cameras but also start,Own instant screen will appear at the bottom,Looks quite scary,Seems to have been the overall monitoring。
In ubuntu update the display card driver is often a troublesome thing,To switch the command mode before the next update,After finally has a graphical interface to make their point that can be completed,But things are often not so smooth,After this ubuntu update to 12.10,In the part of the display driver update has been out of state。