自從送老爸一台平板後,家裏無線網路的使用率大增,老爸幾乎沒日沒夜的在看影片,為了怕他視力退化加快,Last year for the one 10-inch flat-panel to give him,Just thought this was too weak wireless tablet,Dad becomes a cause in other films from watching movies。

Word files when the computer is turned colleague,Appears "This file can not be registered,Unable to create a link with this file in other documents. ",If you simply open a blank word normal。

同事使用Outlook 2013,已經有兩次在啟動時,畫面停留在「載入設定檔」,前一回上網找的方法都沒用,Finally good had refilled the only solution,This time encounter,Once again surf the Internet to see if there are no new insights,Microsoft has finally released a description found,The main crux of the problem is related with the graphics card driver。

最近跟子公司測試site to site VPN的功能,兩邊的防火牆廠牌不同,一為Juniper,一為Sonicwall,在設定完成後,看到VPN建立成功,本以為一切搞定,卻發生Juniper 端的client ping不到Sonicwall的情形,Sonicwall is strange but the client can ping right to Juniper。


No consecutive week in and week long ride up,Thanks to the gift of weather,Recently week can come and ride about
This week to participate in the consideration of personnel,Plan originally wanted to dismiss the mountains,Riverside into long-distance routes
Compare surprise participants got me to pull,, Had as many as 11 people
Impression should be a maximum of six years to ride one ~

腳傷後,有好一段時間沒揪團出來騎車,有騎也只是自己出來復健而已,趁著這兩天天氣不錯,周五就開始揪單車社的社員,Experience a trip to the mountain。

忘了什麼原因,開始計劃著想自己煮個滷味來嚐嚐,From pot、After the appliance to eleven in place of soy sauce,開始了自己的第一個滷味料理,這次主要是豬頭皮,為的是他的膠質,Want their old brine can have a taste of each sale of children。