昨天在重灌Windows 7後,grub選單理所當然的被吃了…,上回有遇到類似的問題,重灌ubuntu遇到發生grub選單不見的情形,不過當時比較單純,在ubuntu讓grub重新掃一下磁區就好,這回是只能進Windows,So we need additional tools the。
今天登入Joomla後台時,出現"DB function failed with error number 1030"的錯誤訊息,下面還帶著一堆SQL指令,上國外論壇查,有人說可以透過phpMyAdmin執行Repair看看,結果我在登入phpMyAdmin時,又出現不同的error訊息,不過這次倒是有看出端倪,I appear to be enough hard disk space。
連到Server去看,果然C槽已經滿了,清掉一些東西後,Sure enough, all back to normal ~ ~。
去年底開始就瘋狂忙碌,加上其他拉哩拉渣的因素,It is more than six months without a ride。
On the one hand but also to have a place to release your stress。
打開Outlook時,預設會直接進到「收件匣」,如果是設定IMAP帳號,那這個收件匣對我們來說就沒有意義了,要調整預設開啟的資料夾,May be through the following steps:
台電於去年推出綠色電力申購的服務,起初只能透書面資料申請,後來為了推廣綠電,後續已可透過電話或網路的方式申購,Convenient enough。Last year I applied through writing,今年試著透過網路申請,但一直找不到申請的頁面,Just finally found the link through the Xtra News。
Recent want to demo at the Age of Discovery 5,5 is thought to come from Uncharted Waters Online transplant,The result is a continuation of stand-alone version of the game。Into the official login page after,Just recall the password to spend some time,After finally get some of the account,But found it impossible to enter the game,Began to speculate that OS Issues,Reboot it really is running from the Windows login,WEB thought should be compared on a cross-platform does not have a problem,Did not expect or encounter,Carefully looked at,The game is using the Unity3D engine,So they start from。
IE在第一次使用時,會跳出初始設定畫面供調整參數,今天遇到一台安裝IE7的電腦,在按下最後一步的「套用設定」後,畫面就停了,Then the lower left corner is also a syntax error message appears。
今天無意間發現公司其中一個網站的後台無法登入,本以為是密碼問題,但透過改資料庫修正後,仍無法登入,且留意到如果是密碼錯,會有錯誤訊息,但我的狀況是點登入後,Will jump back to the original enter the account password login screen。
拿到一台故障的Fortigate FG-110C,裡面韌體本來是第4版,在更新第5版的韌體時失敗,導致變磚,在櫃子翻到Console線,就照網路的教學試著重刷韌體,運氣還不錯,最後有成功救回來,The following is a record: