公司去年導入視訊會議系統,在評估幾套產品後,最終使用ZOOM解決方案,ZOOM的優點是便宜易導入,Drawback is peripheral hardware facilities to get their own。

以往多是遇到Outlook的超連結無法開啟的問題,今天倒是頭一次遇到Excel的超連結出現「發生未預期的錯誤」,直覺先測試Outlook有沒有問題,結果正常,後來查看一些設定,該使用者的Windows權限被設為Debugger,調整回Administrator後重開機,That problem solved。

換了硬碟,順道把ubuntu升級到16.04,不知道是不是升級關係,遇到不少怪問題,其中在執行sudo apt-get update時,跳出下面訊息:
無法將 /var/lib/dpkg/lock 鎖定 – open (11: 資源戰時無法取得)
Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

在更新完SF300-48後,一併也把另一台L3 Switch—「SGE2010 48-port」給更新了,希望能解決要不定期清除ARP Cache,Otherwise occasional disconnection problems will occur。

公司有台Cisco L2 Switch,型號是「SF300-48 48-Port 10/100 Managed Switch with Gigabit Uplinks」,在更新韌體時,陸續遇到了”Illegal software format”Give”SW code file is over sized”錯誤,Record what standard update process。

較新的Windows為了安全性考量,預設常會關閉被ping (ICMP)的設定,但在內部測試時,有時反而會造成不便,如需開啟被ping功能,Only the firewall settings to。

去年買了一台HP 1820-48G,Has no time to shelves,Only recently started using。The first time you use HP's L2 Switch,Operator interface feels clean,More pleasing to the eye than the part Linsys switch,Touch for a while,Began to study firmware update。

昨天機房跳電後,Wherein when a VM using vSphere Client Connection,Appearance”cannot reach some of the management network addresses of other hosts and thus HA may not able to restart VMs if a host failure occur”。