Wrote an article last September "Manjaro Login become all green screen」,Later, Yomo happened again a month later.,In the next month or two,Can't solve it by updating the driver。Later I tried some ways,For example, the mhdw command is used to change the originally used linux-video to linux-vesa,Although you can successfully enter the desktop,But the resolution is not the native resolution,Blurred picture quality,Finally had to give up,Switch to Windows for now。
Tried two days ago and then followed the last article,使用 “sudo pacman -Syyu” Update again,Kernel is also upgraded to the latest 5.6.3,Use after update “mhdw -l” View display driver,Did not expect one more “linux-modesetting”,And the update date is only in January this year,I thought the official should deal with this green screen problem.:

Use it later “sudo mhdw -r linux-vesa” Remove the original low-resolution “linux-vesa” drive,And then to “sudo mhdw -r linux-modesetting” Try to use the latest “linux-modesetting” drive,Restart after update,Sure enough, the desktop that has been violent for half a year finally appears again,Then I put it back “linux-video” drive,The same can be used normally,So the solution this time,Mainly should be the same as the previous article,Through “sudo pacman -Syyu” Or Kernel updated and solved。

- Natrgro – How to install “video-Linux” driver from command line? : linux4noobs
- Manjaro Hardware Detection Overview – Manjaro Linux