Oct 9

Author:Tomio Sato◎著;黃萱惠◎譯
Press:Spring Publishing
Publishing Day:2007In August
Individual competitions:★★★

The author is a 74-year-old gentleman,Mantra to promote ways to improve your life。See half of the book was discovered that the cupboard "mantra dream come true law" is written by the same author,Mentioned in this book a good habit of ,Is the mantra about。

This book presents a consistent inspirational book style,More than half of the length of the argument is, "Why do so."、"How to do after the meeting." "Who do" and,The most important "how",In fact, only a small part。Personally not used to this type of book reading,May my thoughts are not clear enough,Seen a lot of friends friends miscellaneous story,Often ignore what is the focus,Read a chapter or even the whole book,點是 Inmo Kiyoshige non 會釐,So I actually would go to Japan to buy the book to avoid。

Excitement in the life of the proviso to provide reach fathom 找,Homologous goal gave us a good near-term current 嘗試 份恰 這部,I want ~ accumulated numerous moved,Having self-correction surface schematic thinking Yuzuru flight ability in intangible,Relative can also improve the quality of their lives。The book also mentioned a fixed habit is to eat vitamins,Comparing non 認同 份我 這部,I think it is way through the movement of food or to make their own health will be better now。

When reading a chapter,Get an experience,"Our life,Derived from a play the game like a directed,If you write a good script,But also how to invite your favorite female(Male)Protagonist to perform it?

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Oct 3

Sep 28

  一直以來,腦袋總有個念頭—「去東部走走吧」,這個聲音不一定會在什麼時候出現,有時是失意時,有時是開心時,Sometimes……Just think that to do it seems。

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Sep 22

Press:This natural person
Publishing Day:2011In May
Individual competitions:★★★☆

Purchase if the written 這本,In life, just some things that need to switched,But a few months later began reading。

Yes give us written expectations 些落 difference 這本,Thought to be able to see of some of the more unique opinions or views,Even experienced,But in fact the book more like the story of the confluence,Collation of all story-based,Of the story behind the comment,Therefore read,I never have forgotten what this book aims to。

Non-representative certificate good 這本 這不 當然,As I said earlier,Only with the demands of a gap.,The book is still part of the discussion is worth learning and reference。

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Sep 1

Author:Kuang Yu Cheng
Press:Catcher Publishing
Publishing Day:2008In June
Individual competitions:★★★★★

The book on my bookshelf put two、With three years ,Have almost forgotten what the original motivation was to buy。But that does not matter,Reading this book,Starting from the directory,They have opened the door to let my head feeling learning。

More extensive use of self-child cases the phrase author,Author breaks hand 變 start 哪些 以用 accepted method 點出 clear parallel,Save a Fusaku 蠻 remembered 份我 這部,Let people know that you can want to change how to start。Part of the author's point of view may be more a little biased,But I think the better to escape their own thinking when reading to understand the author's ideas,Come to accept assessments、Abandon,Or transformation! To create the greatest value to read this book on self-generated。

This book is about my night just turned 1、2Chapters,Shutting their books, positive emotions or thoughts,Several pieces 晚 good night sleep we lose Yuzuru 陪伴 governor: ),So I quite recommend this book。As the authors say,He hopes to be able to such a positive attitude,Do everything the infection to everyone,After reading it,I also intend this book to lend people need to,We hope to improve the attitude towards life of。

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Aug 20

Author:Fu Pei-jung

Press:Nine Press

Publishing Day:2010December

Individual competitions:★★★★☆

Father,Or that the Tao Te Ching,Junior,Yes 紹過 capital through this department,But in my mind,Only know the Taoist school Zhuangzi like fable to illustrate some ideas,Taoism in the end in talking about,Almost tell what they。

Occasionally see this book in the store,Take up a few pages,Feeling seems to like the title of some,There will be original…"a feeling of。Professor Fu non for "I" to explain a chapter by chapter,First, they point out a theme,Explanation mentioned in Chapter I which,This approach seems to make people more likely to put the text of the description of the world。

It took two、Three months before the book reading。I thought of abstruse,Through Fu professor mistranslated,Taoism was finally able to take a closer look。Once you know a way of thinking,去 thinking 換個 angle,Often can be applied in daily life,Therefore benefit。


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Jun 7

According to the TV at night tricolor taught cook eggs,Looks like still ok,But still did not really like the taste of salted egg,If more part salted it do not feel good to eat,Otherwise good。Later, say not to have leftover,On the breath after eating,However, when the thought of eating fast,OMG! I go to eat seven eggs..

Jun 6

Sea 16

Sea 15

Today specially invited special leave,As is to visit the Taipei Flower Expo,In fact, in the last ticket has been bought,Just press has been playing a lot of visiting crowds,So till now only go。The purpose of his mind as a beginning,As long as you want to queue XX Hall,Do not look omitted,I think even just visiting the outdoor exhibition,Should also have a good harvest is,The results really did not let me down。

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