Apr 6

  一直以來,The number of visitors to my blog is counted through the website "HiStats",The functions and interface provided by HiStats are quite good.,But in the past few years, I have gradually noticed that blogging will become slower and slower because of HiStats.,What causes slowdowns are connections to specific third-party URLs。After checking the information, someone said,HiStats does sell some information to third parties,That's why there are these URLs。

Searched online for other solutions,Finally found the Sig GA4 Widget plug-in,Traffic data can be retrieved from Google Analytics to display,And I already use Google Analytics,This way it will be simpler。

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Apr 7

WordPress's "page (page)"The main function is to let everyone used to make static pages,But before I wanted to use it as a menu category page,As shown below:


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Apr 7

His wife late last year to help move the WordPress,It was my turn myself,The last direct reference to write "Moving WordPress"Articles were,And to order some adjustments,There is nothing to add to observe,Therefore, this direct access to the article screenshot,Also to be supplemented for the problems encountered in this。


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Sea 14

  一直以來都把網誌的圖片放在Dropbox,但最近收到Dropbox通知,3/15準備把Public的公開資料夾功能拿掉,雖然還是可以用”分享連結”The way,讓圖片可以外連,但這個轉換工作太浩大,且難保未來不會再調整一次,Therefore, assessment of the picture altogether moved to a more stable space。

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Sea 16

  從MSN Spaces轉戰Yam天空後,終於自己著手架設網誌,原以為會一直使用Yam天空,雖然自由度沒自己架的高,But free resources、Sufficient bandwidth,以及備援措施等種種好處也是很具吸引力,且Yam天空的客服還算不錯,偶會推出一些實用的功能,針對回報的問題也會解決,There are often just have to wait for the first half。


  最後會讓我決定自己架的原因還是因為自由度,In addition,Yam天空的部落格被塞入愈來愈多的廣告,過去部份廣告還能從後台關閉,But then would not put such a thing。Coupled with the efficiency of solving part of the problem is really dragging for too long,Simply on their own shelves altogether。

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Nov 24

  twitter正夯時,Taiwan also appeared Babu this same type of micro blogging service,A pretty good start Popularity,Fancy micro blog published with the nature and characteristics without the burden,Account was also apply for a,And embed on your blog。

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Oct 13

A few days ago early in the morning to finish the diary,Blog seems to think fast to reach 10 million passengers,On the point of coming in to look at,Thought so accurate,Received a 99,999 number plate。

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Sea 15

After two and half years ago since the blog layout editing sharply,They never go turn over,During the first paper stumbled message board message will go to the right,The column on the right is blocked,Thought it was a bad time to change his original attempt to change the css of,Given understand css,Let go of this situation has been tanking…

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Dec 14

In the upper right corner of the sky for a while before Yam added a flip page ad,Honestly - really hate,Every point came to be manually shut down,Sometimes there are points twice。Just see the message board a kindly inform users active message,Can direct this ad to close in the background。

After logon background management interface,In the "Manage Home" - "Personal Data" where,There is a "flip open page ad.",Select "No",You can turn off this annoying ads!

Aug 3

From the original 30 * 30px adjusted to 55 * 55px,Oh feeling every sale

ThanksMichaelInformation provided

I do not know when to start,Grammar seems to fail
Just looked at the source,Try to make changes to CSS,Results of a successful test
In the model by adding the following command to
#boxVisit A IMG {width:55px;height:55px;}
