New Windows 10 Laptops come when,Some Office components are often built,After often have to move it a clean,To install their own to buy the version of Office,And from time to time,Error messages that occur are not the same。Recently when dealing with a new NB,When you install Office 2013 To 90% Time,The error message pops "Some office functions can not be installed.",You can select "Retry" or "ignore",By convention,Select "Retry" will have the same problem,And select "Ignore", then,Colleagues said that at present have not seen what effect,Still work。

It took some time to do the test,I was originally download streaming through the installation file to install,Through this installation file,No matter how I tested,The results are the same。Finally, I use offline installation file(Note 1.)安装,Finally resolve this issue,Feel should be installed streaming file contains nothing new,The resulting "section office functions can not be installed 'message occurs,The offline installation file is relatively simple early version,To avoid the occurrence of this problem。
Note 1. Microsoft Office has provided off-line installation file download service,But will change over time to download,Suggestions can be downloaded from the Windows ISO Downloader tool,A lot easier。