bought one from South China back then “e handle” Card reader,It’s his keyboard function,Hope to improve safety,But when I use it on a different computer later,It takes a lot of time for the driver problem,I don’t know if there are few people using this,There are relatively few drivers on the Internet,But Windows can’t recognize this card reader,Must install the original driver。
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After working at home,Various new problems and needs gradually emerge。Our original VPN architecture,The office side cannot ping to the VPN Client side,Because there is no related demand,However, some colleagues recently reported that after connecting through VPN,The FedEx system can no longer be used,It is guessed that the server side of the FedEx system has a connection request to the client side.,The VPN can’t allow him to connect in the reverse direction and cause problems,So let’s study how to turn it on。
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Previous Article"Set up public contacts in MDaemon address book-manual import"Write is to manually upload a csv file to set up the public address book,This article is for MDaemon to directly synchronize contact information with AD,The title will write manual synchronization because you need to press it yourself,Will sync。
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because of home office,Colleagues use Webmail more frequently,Therefore, there is a need for a public address book,MDaemon sometimes has less intuitive logic in some settings,So this time it took some time to explore,Finally get。
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Recently due to the epidemic,Some colleagues use Webmail instead of working from home,Therefore, you need to export the LDAP address book to a csv file,Remit to the mail system。Checked it online,Fortunately, this action is not difficult (I remember that the commands used in AD were very complicated before),Just use the built-in csvde command that specializes in processing csv.。
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My personal opinion on Windows 10 The default login background image is quite unaccustomed,Maybe it’s a bit tired after watching for a long time,Previously, there was a way to modify the web crawler,But no relevant teaching was found。Search for foreign articles today,Finally found some information。