Jul 3
This is inadvertently saw a very exciting topic!

10Billion light years,What is a concept?

    光年,Distance light travels in a year。The speed of light! It is recognized as the speed limit,299,792,458 meters per second,Can be halfway around the world seven times in the blink of an eye。What to see,Light on so fast,Let him run!,Run a year,The amount of a light-year is the distance out of the。Now you move the mouse to the lower left corner of the screen,Point "Start" - "Programs" - "Subsidiary app" - "small thinking",Have to calculate it Yourself,This year was 31,536,000 seconds,One second run 299,792,458 meters,Take out on 9,454,254,955,488,000 meters,It is approximately equal to ten trillion kilometers。what did you say,Simply astronomical? Nonsense,Digital on astronomy course was astronomical friends ~~~~~ but this is only just one light year length。

    When we see stars billions of light years beyond,Catches our eye beam of starlight has been flying in the eternal universe billions of years。in other words,We now see is just the way it is billions of years before! Now it how we only have to wait to see billions of years ......

    Generally considered the birth of the universe 15 billion years now。Therefore, the diameter of the widest space, we might only be observed in the 15 billion light-years this range。150Light billion light-years away is when we have seen across the universe 15 billion years,That was the birth of the universe images! ! !

This figure is below the observable universe at 10 billion light years of such magnitude,Things each pixel point above the performance of the very old are far。

Continue browsing »

Jul 2

Windows system clock of a server synchronization function,系統內建是「time.windows.com」與「time.nist.gov」兩個伺服器,Usually if you time to standard time more than too much (like 15 hours),A mistake 訊息 發生 步處 same physical appearance 會,However, in normal circumstances,Seems often error message,And we can own additional time servers to solve this problem。

1.EDIT Catalogue of open bowl 啟登,To the following directory
Add a string value in the right,Name enter a value,Such as 3,Numeric data to fill in the To add the server's URL

Server in the following alternative use


2.Setting Finished 畢後,We have just set up a server you can see the drop-down tab,Allow immediate updating 擇後 election success


Jun 29
Finally entered the study room! ,Last night in particular, going to bed early,Not 11:00 on bedtime,I did not expect for some time and did not attack insomnia attack at this time,Finally til fall asleep until 1 am。

Morning on time and wake up relying on willpower,However tired,Although hesitated to go,Because of fear of lack of sleep can lead to poor results,Later still and forced himself to look at。8Open the door,I am a bit of time did not grasping,50Divided we before going out,To have been a bunch of people in the queue,Originally want to say Bacheng is not ranked,We arrive at the rear of the exhaust bell somewhat raw after having several pieces University,Has kindled a glimmer of hope,After the open gate,Long forward followed by a long,Hey ~ did not expect to actually get a seat! ,Read about eight hours today, a total of,Than at home watching the effect of…In fact, did not seem much worse ha,Instead, think of some binding,Still considering want to go tomorrow…Click one's tongue。

Yes 是 true true 盡責 夠認 staff of the back story 說那,9Point on every half hour to go in to see if there is no vacancy,At the door to after 10:00 to confirm posting a "full",Continue to check in 13:00,Finally got someone to go to the about 2:00,Her cards removed,Good hard work, ah! ,Like a cram school time;Reading from time to time someone came to check seat,Like a cram class guide from either the Church,Good and wonderful feeling ~ Ha!

36 days countdown..

Jun 28
The right of a new "name constellation analysis" kanban。

There are ten names of constellations,In the drop-down menu selection,That will show the date shipped thing,If your name is not clear constellation,Enter the name in the following,Click on "Operator Name Stars",Will help you forget!

7/19 has been removed
Jun 28
Quoted from:udn digital fun blog

FastStone Image Viewer feature is not mini、Size does not pay!
A long time ago,Xiao Bian accustomed to using a class of software ACDSee view map,The new version features more powerful,But the body also increases with the version of evolution,Even now, more and more hard disk space,But usually just look at the picture,Read and off,Wait for the program to open the time is always hope as short as possible。
Wen / Yang and Zhao


A long time ago,Xiao Bian accustomed to using a class of software ACDSee view map,The new version features more powerful,But the body also increases with the version of evolution,Even now, more and more hard disk space,But usually just look at the picture,Read and off,Wait for the program to open the time is always hope as short as possible。


Figure previously introduced free software -XnView,Although the body is a small number of,But the total should be accounted for to 7X MB of space,And although there are convenient cut、Color Adjustment、Effects processing,Even with a convenient screen capture function,But when in normal use small series,To paint the picture inside the frame、Add text、Watermark etc.,These features are found less,Or use some inconvenience(Especially in the XnView,Mouse wheel can only make browsing for larger image、Narrow,Rather than a、Next)。


Later found the Fast Stone of Figure software,Before installing 4.23 MB,After the installation of approximately 6.76 MB,Support batch conversion simple format、size、Watermark、frame、Batch add text、Rename, etc.,This often organize digital camera users, but very convenient photo,Also cut、Add text Description、Frame、Draw lines and other functions,Often allows the computer to write teaching blog writers is also very convenient。


There screen grab function,Support full screen、Viewport、The selection rectangle,There are also hand-painted region capture function can capture irregular picture,But the more a pity that does not support the capture hotkey。


The official website is available in English and Wan-language version download,There is also support for the PDA version can be downloaded。


Related Links


FastStone Image Viewer下載網頁


[Chi] digital fun

Jun 28

The success of everything,Are in the process,
Is to be patient、Endurance、Trailing、Bitter resistance。

by Master Hsing Yun


Jun 27

  今天進度提前達到,晚上就跟家裏二老去逛大賣場,回來後跟老爹喝了些啤酒,A little dizzy ~ Ha。Younger sister just came photograph of little nephew,實在給他可愛極啦!北鼻,快快長大吧~


Jun 26
After getting up in the morning,Began to prepare today to look at data,9:30 Departure go to the library,A go ~ burst…A full,Between the study rooms really small,About 50 seats less than it!

After returning home,,Because I did not have a desk,Will sort out a study space in the computer desk,A suitable chair 較合 Zhang 換了,Close the door to start K ~ Book。I did not take too long to study,It is very painful to see,Always sit still,But still and forced himself to settle down。Noon after dinner,Nap,After the up-for-book continues K,K to five o'clock dinner,Six went on to fight。Originally expected to read nine,But to eight when it has reached the progress I want,Want to say today is the first day to see,On a lazy,Hello ~ Turn on the computer will rest,Suddenly the whole feeling for him to relax,so good.

In retrospect,I probably have a good few years did not spend so much time in a day on reading the,The last time was in…High School…Or countries it…Ha! Although somewhat hard to read today,But I did not expect or support later,This is what the university can not do! So thinking that there is need to go to the library? But I think it is going to the library to see at least once,The study results because there should be better than at home,So tomorrow going to go in front of the library door, etc.,Leave a location to me! Students…

Countdown 39 days..

Jun 25
  早上到市公所辦理退伍歸鄉的手續,順便去看一下家裏附近的圖書館,今天是公休,所以沒開,After confirming the change has study rooms go home。


  晚上開始規劃明天要看的書以及未來的整個讀書計畫,一投入後才發現事情不是我想的那麼簡單,代誌有些大條了,我只剩40天可以準備而已,但不管怎樣,Now no matter how sorry、Panic is useless,就是全心準備就對了!

Wrote his own words:"Try to get rid of all desires,全心準備考試」,老子我拼了!

Jun 25
Microsoft New Phonetic IME word selection system sometimes will commonly used word routed to the last few pages to,Predictive text feature often wrong。Currently personally feel that the best use of the software input method is natural input method,Natural input method crossword considered quite accurate,Can also automatically add the Thesaurus,Unfortunately, this is to be paid。

Chewing input method is regarded as between the new phonetic and natural,Import laws 及 non-natural character selection system 雖然,But definitely better than the new phonetic input method on many。If often used to establish their own lexicon,Under a long time coming,Crossword system can enhance the input method.

The proposal would have to read the manual,Content not more than,They are all Shifenchongyao instructions and teaching。Operation mode can be set to their conventional (natural or imitation new phonetic),As well as manually created thesaurus hotkey (CTRL + Words),Mandatory requirements of 是 這都 Tomomichi,Can improve typing efficiency。

Official website:http://chewing.csie.net/
Direct download:http://chewing.csie.net/download/win32/win32-chewing-