在Word中,If using a table,Below the table is always a line of blank columns,Usually does not affect,However, if the table is located in the bottom of the page,This blank column will go to the next page to go,Causing extra blank page。

在windows底下,Easy file merge function can be done through the copy / b command,If the change for the linux,You can use this command cat。

Help colleagues NB plus RAM,特地 去 检查 Superfetch 有 没有 开启,But found to stop,To manually start,The error message "The system can not find the file specified" appears。

One more thing straight 當掉 same outlook 莫名 heaven before several,Yes 點 exaggerated a high frequency rate,Tried and bagging office、Rebuild a new profile,Later built a new e-mail data files(pst)Useless,Mother-in-law on the last dog network,I realized that IE8 problem with outlook2003。

EPSON LQ-690C, the company's a strange question to,Print to half will automatically be suspended,Unpause to continue printing,But not long after pause,One can pause a three or more times,We thought this was printheads near dust lead print show bucket,But cleared her replacement ribbon,The problem is still。

Today updated website,Current anomaly 單出 邊選 發現 side,Tap A project,A project sub-options will appear,Point B projects,A project is still only appears suboptions,Look in the background after,The original problem is caused by the cache。

Previously encountered a problem,Open xls files,excel send commands to program error ",But if you open an Excel,Then open the xls file is normal。

Windows file or printer sharing feature,Encountered very often will not have access to XXX,You might not have permission to use this network resource。Access Denied。Like the error message,Many solution,Many articles in the past, turn off simple file sharing, or open a guest account to solve,A while back but encountered how useless set of circumstances。

Before the test VoIP,Want to achieve some tests by sweeping udp port,Internet search,This handy tool to find Zenmap。

Windows built-in Disk Cleanup tool,"Compress old files",General who encounter a lack of disk space,With this tool, compression infrequently used files,Can release small space out,So would be a useful tool。