
outlookColleagues computer and see this special letter,From sender、The subject to date are all words in red,Was particularly conspicuous,- Test between 找時 來就 friend gave after,Step is not difficult,A small tip,You can make your mail is particularly conspicuous in others in outlook。

~ Noh Shi Kou outlook of reach of 處理 wait for 這邊

 (1) to compose a new message,Click on the toolbar "pending" flag
Set the date part as "the last time"

So,Letter sent will become bright red Hello ~ but still should be used with caution,Do not cause problems is the recipient。

4 Responses

  1. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:
    Thank you for providing information oh ~:)

  2. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:
    Deterministic completion 就不 這我,I do not 07 can be tested

  3. Bao Mei Says |

    2007You can also!….
    Is not your date is not set to "date"?

  4. alan Says |

    Office 2007, I covered with not Jesus!!
    Is not only the 2003 can be used ㄚ?

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