When Manjaro was updated two days ago,rEFind pops up a message,But i didn't look closely,When booting today,I found the boot menu that was originally attractive to me,Become a very positive interface。

checked the information,This theme seems to be the original rEFind default theme,It’s just that when Manjaro was installed,Is to use “refind-theme-maia” This theme,And I was attracted to this interface,I gave up the grub that has been used for many years,Switch to the embrace of rEFind。
This time the problem should be when updating rEFind,The content of refind.conf is passive,Lead to revert to the default theme,So just modify refind.conf,Can be applied “refind-theme-maia” interface。
◎ Edit /boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf
sudo madedit /boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf # 或用 nano 編輯。
◎ Add the path of the theme at the bottom。
include refind-theme-maia/theme.conf # 請先確認 theme 的相關目錄及檔案已經存在。
◎ After the archive is reopened,You can see the beautiful theme。