Dec 14


  升 上 ubuntu 8:10 后,Flash object garbled situation,Solutions as follows:

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Dec 10

  前一陣子升上ubuntu 8.10後,aMSN就很少能夠成功登入,而使用Pidgin卻又沒有問題,Will return to the embrace of Pidgin。After a few weeks,Pidgin也發生無法登入的情形,但測試Windows下的MSN卻又沒問題,經測 several test,最後試出將連線伺服器位址改以IP形式設定即可解決!

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Sep 4

  在 7:10 时 就 安装 过 IEs4Linux,Rose 8.04 is now installed,But this installation before it touches encountered did not come across the problem of,出現「An error occured when trying to cabextract some files」的錯誤,A look to the download directory,Was empty,Fude retardant solution came 怪,Internet crawl text after,Fortunately eventually loaded up。

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Aug 3


  Spent a morning trying to make Rhythmbox can play ape file,仍是 last failure,Had the second best,Will turn into flac ape to listen to。

Card configure officialgst-monkeyaudio一直出現"You need gstreamer development packages install!"Error message,Climbed many articles still no solution。Try a newergst-monkeysaudio-0.10.alphaBut it is an error message when make。

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Jun 29

Recently my Pidgin sometimes show bucket show bucket,But can not wait for ubuntu release a new version of Pidgin,Myself to install when the official download source,Procedures are as follows:

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May 31

  Afternoon, would like to Joanna Wang's CD into mp3,Save changer that also the time to listen,The beginning directly to try ubuntu 8.04 built-in music CD capture program,That is, Sound Juicer。In selecting the sound quality,Default lists flac、ogg、wav和spx,Alone but not mp3,Into the "edit settings combination",But see already have a mp3 set parameters,Of waited a long time,Only to find the missing package ~ "gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse"。

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May 25

   I believe that many people after installing ubuntu 8.04,Information form of non-會 磁碟 其他 automatic loading system multiplied by reach 會遇,One brother is one of them。Go google a bit,Find a lot of articles to modify the fstab,However, in actual operation,But found another problem–My device code will become!

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May 17

Yesterday would like to say the test Envy this package,But after some minor problems,最后 便 移除 并 使用 ubuntu 内 的 来 安装 Hardware Drivers nVIDIA 驱动 程式,Installed reboot the login screen resolution does not,Can only see about a quarter of the whole picture,Fortunately, or normal key account、Password。Forum to look at the text climb,Sure enough, to find solutions。

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May 15

The previous solution is to grab the file name to overwrite the original tag information,And this is a way for both the tag transcoding to achieve。This action is designed to allow EasyTAG with original tag encoding content to read later,And then written in UTF-8。

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May 11

ubuntu 升 上 8:04 后,On a whim to replace the built-in Rhythmbox Audacious as the mp3 player tools,But has encountered while loading the label almost all garbled,Only a small portion of the newer file tag is identifiable。After climbing some articles online,才了解原來Rhythmbox是以utf-8來抓ID3v2-2.4,Most of my files tag are Big5,Only late foobar2000 write is utf-8 format,So a bunch of gibberish situation will occur。

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