Dec 20

Impression from the beginning of high school,As long as the beginning of a cold sore throat,Will be the last to do three months ending cough,It has been very afraid of cold from the beginning of the cough,And my body went to the doctor often useless,So a few years will not see a doctor cold,Later tried to be good in a few years to see a doctor,But the effect is limited。
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Feb 22

  忘了什麼原因,開始計劃著想自己煮個滷味來嚐嚐,From pot、After the appliance to eleven in place of soy sauce,開始了自己的第一個滷味料理,這次主要是豬頭皮,為的是他的膠質,Want their old brine can have a taste of each sale of children。

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May 14
The refrigerator always have Rougeng,I thought I could try to cook Thin noodles,Taste mouth basis snacks possession impression 仿造 small Jiko,Seasoning by shacha,Also try to add the sugar,Effect Fusaku result,Sell ​​poor,But quite tasty。
Tips. 這次 sugar Kada multi-,Out of parsley embellishment
Sea 25

Previously took almost 20 apple snail with friends,Morning finally see the apple snails lay eggs in the fish tank wall,Really novel,Ha!

Sep 24

Taken directly for 來想 this generation sugar mirin seasoning 醬汁 這次,是 not return a result row,Taste than on the back of a lot worse,Hindsight plus some Shatang to covering,Most eggs are quite successful。


Aug 3

Last Scrambled,Yu 換煮 這回,Try new seasonings ~ Mirin,Sweet,If we return 蠻符 a taste,Incidentally lost breakfast ingredients - fish。Feeling better than fried soup cook more,Tagi 就好 了 leave one quench 丟下 是 several 乎就,Only need to pay attention to the soup,Really one to cook for lazy people each to sell ~。

Jul 22

Chat with friends, some recipes,For a fried udon noodles were very interested,Looked at the practice,Sun 這道 polarized expression manners comparison,Material is a bit more,After the completion of several pieces recorded double fee 點配,Other on whim。After cooking finished,Feel they are acceptable,But there are still a lot of room for improvement。

To be improved:

  1. Oil put too much。
  2. 燙不 夠久 river 燒麵 pot,Feel soft enough。
  3. Soy sauce can be a little more。


May 21

A while back, the relatives of the shop refurbishment,Looking for me to help re PULL,Originally was the only network cable,Additional monitoring instrument after chronic 來慢…Telephone line…。Pull it is not difficult,Mainly through the concrete wall and part of the cable beneath the existing decor is a bit trickier,A 裝潢 拆裝 其他 formulation process for a 這次 了,Divide several days to complete。
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Nov 20

The following Sunday is Mom's birthday,Cf last year's practice,Held again this year Niangqin cup cooking contest,Prepare vegetables 兩道 每人 reason that SAI 參與,And this time the mother is also prepared two dishes to join the festivities 。


At first, I also intend to prepare two dishes—Runny eggs and Scallion Chicken,But the last few weeks try to cook Scallion Chicken,The whole big to fail,廁所 human tide 洶湧 當天 避免 for completion,Another wants a preserved egg and sweet potato leaves,Snacks love Joey 這玩 meaning non 說他 old maid result,Together with the mother to eat stewed cabbage,So again the competition last year to add the cabbage came halogen。The last Tuesday of the test cook Scallion Chicken,Calculation governor success,So today, four to a dish full friends -。

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Nov 12

Last but not cooked charred,Entire unpalatable to cry dad,This time finally avenge the,Leather with the taste of meat are Awesome,There go the meat taste,Than the last time Dad also delicious cooked na ~ ha ha ha