Apr 18

Recently Fortinet seems to change the firmware download policy,If the warranty has passed,Even if you are a member,Can't download firmware,Just one of the 110Cs in hand recently is a bit abnormal,Firmware needs to be repainted,But can't find the dilemma that the firmware can download。After asking the manufacturer for help, I finally got a firmware,Then, go online and search for the firmware file that can be found,Stay here as a spare,It is also provided to emergency friends。

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Apr 18

[Set interface IP and access permissions]

config system interface
edit port1
set ip
set allowaccess https http (或 append allowaccess http)


【Log has no record】

get log memory filter
# 如果 Severity 為 warning
config log memory filter
set severity information (set severity ? 可以查看所有層級)



Apr 9

Fortigate SSLVPN on the Internet for teaching article mostly after a successful connection,On the Internet directly through Fortigate,Because the practical application SSLVPN are made to address the issue of censorship,Before ever setting into the client-side only let go when VPN access to internal resources,Internet directly from their own computers out,But because no record left,Has just spent some time researching to get it,So what is recorded。

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Sea 27

Recently measured by a subsidiary of a new Fortigate,Even after the first check up the firmware version,The result is a large version of the transaction,The original is 5.6,This is 6.0,Every version of the transaction,When establishing and my Sonicwall Site to Site VPN,I have had a hard time,Not surprisingly this is not a one-stop,Therefore, there has been the birth of this article,But compared to the previous two,The debugging process is relatively smooth a lot。

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Sea 4

ZYXEL GS1920-48v2 the VLAN / TRUNK managed to set off with my previous HPE、LINKSYS slightly different,Here to be a record。

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Sea 4

HPE past are using the Switch,This year try to use homemade ZYXEL,The interface feels a little bit less intuitive,So the record about a few took some time to find the setting。

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Sep 16

In a recent investigation of log Sonicwall,Note that there will continue to log "IKEv2 Payload processing error" error message,And all this with NSA4600 Site to Site VPN establishment of rules。


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Dec 28

Today there are colleagues react when send a Word file,Then the subject received an "undelivered:」,Content is explained “552 MS-Office file containing VBA marcos found inside of the email”,After testing a few times back and forth,To confirm that the firewall is blocking Sonicwall。

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Dec 13

Recently they have shifted the company's wireless are replaced UniFi AP,There was the impression that teaching even read the article into the AP through SSH,To be specific obstacles in the exclusion,Just try to look at the operation,Account password has been an error occurs,Use ubnt / ubnt official website provides and root / ubnt default account password does not work,Use console login account password is not right,Later climb some discussion thread,I found related settings。


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Nov 10

Recently from outside through the IMAP mail systems、POP3 and SMTP port open more and more frequently in the case of e-mail account password try inside,Although e-mail systems have some mechanism can be blocked,But seeing so many reports IP really uncomfortable,Therefore, the process of collecting all these IP intend to import Sonicwall firewall,Direct to blacklist,After searching the Internet many articles,Sonicwall does not provide a way can be,So you want to build such a large number of IP Address Objects words,Through SSH would be the best way to save time。


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