Nov 21

Mom birthday this month,Because of various factors,Is scheduled to celebrate ahead of this weekend。Do not ever have the whole family out to dinner,In the last month, I do not go out to eat on the proposal,Be the cook two dishes per person,If you really can not do this,You can buy ready-made。

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Oct 12

  Home run two old mortar supermarkets,Wandered around noon also get enough,I hit the phone to cook,Originally not want to cook,Then say it did not cook very long,Come to look good chef,They also make shopping a fun-old

When boiled eggs, onions,Half say how to cook hot so slow,Ditouyikan,Fire extinguished…Actually run out of gas! Fortunately, there are water heaters that bucket,Quickly change over to cook。

After cooked,By the way, is called a barrel of gas - it took 730 Ocean,It rose so fast,When reading in Taichung,It was 420 yuan a barrel,Taipei time seems more than five hundred。Just a few years,So much on the rise,horrible。