Group policy (GPO) Let the user computer display the file extension

   has always allowed the user's computer to display the file extension,On the one hand, avoid misjudgment,On the other hand, I also hope that users can understand the extension of common files.,It is quite curious that since Windows updated so many versions,Always set this setting to hide the file extension,So only when setting up the computer,Open one by one。


   I have found the group policy (GPO) Related settings,But did not find this item,I just searched online again,Found this time Microsoft this The teaching mentioned a little about "Preferences" in the group policy。



◎ Group policy,"User Settings"-"Favorite Settings"-"Control Panel Settings"-"Folder Options",
◎ Right click "Add"-"Folder Options"。


◎ Remove the check mark of [Hide extension of known file type] on the screen。


   In the past, the group policy was,Mostly set in the "Principle" sub-item,So I didn’t notice that I had to find it in "Preferences",It’s been so many years before I finally know that I’m here to set,Oh。



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