Recently computer failure,After the repair back,Former boot menu is rEFind cover off,Become directly from Windows 10 Power,Take this opportunity to look at how not to bagging the way the boot menu tool,Correction setting in Windows。
1. Execute as Administrator”Command Prompt”,Enter the following command to mount the boot sector。
mountvol z: /s
2. Enter bcdedit,View current {bootmgr} Windows is pointing。

3. View Mount magnetic Lower,Where the position refind_x64.efi,I was in Z:\EFIrefind。

4. In z: Enter the following command changing {bootmgr} Setting。
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi

5. Enter bcdedit again,Confirmation {bootmgr} It has pointed rEFind。

6. Finished,To reboot。
- Installation refind under windows10 – Kunpeng Hongxiang's blog – CSDN blog
- boot – Windows 10 BCDEdit – How to change {bootmgr} path? – Super User
- The UEFI / GPT mode using Win10 boot rEFInd & Linux dual system program – Jane books