Jun 25
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Jun 25
Added a "Wang wins vote counters" on the right,This is Yam sky provides plug-in。
just for fun.

On 7/25 removal
Jun 25
If you do not then screen capture software,In fact, Windows support is a simple screen capture function。

  • Full Screen Capture:「Print Screen」鍵。This is the vast majority of people know。
  • The current work window capture:Press "Alt + Print Screen」鍵。This approach may have most people do not know,But it is very easy to use functions which!

For example, my current listening foobar2000,Two ways to capture the screen are as follows:

僅按下Print Screen鍵

Press Alt + Print Screen

Once retrieved, it can be attached to a small painter and stored as image file。Incidentally,If Paint can only be saved as BMP file,Try to clear temporary files page (Temporary Internet Files) and then operate storage。
method:"IE" - "Tools" - "Internet Options" - "Delete Files" - "Delete all offline content" - "OK"

Jun 24
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MIPMAP open method:
"Other" - "Settings" - "Display",Check "use MIPMAP"

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Direct download:http://miyano.s53.xrea.com/arc/Hamana20060619.zip
Chinese language:http://miyano.s53.xrea.com/arc/HamanaLang20060821.zip

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Jun 21
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Correction profile page:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a87b44b9-7a6a-49b6-bd89-afad4e049c48&DisplayLang=zh-tw
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Direct download:

Jun 20

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VCDEasy itself contains Chinese language,User interface at a glance,Very easy to use。But there is a small drawback VCDEasy,It seems to only know English MPEG files,DAT is not even eat,But do not worry,There MPEG DAT turn gadgets within software,So long as the first complete file conversion before making and action can change the file name!

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Official website:http://www.vcdeasy.org/modules.php?name=_WhatIsIt&item=VCDEasy
Direct download:http://homepage19.seed.net.tw/web@1/lijohnson/VCDEasy_v1.1.5.2_Setup.exe

Jun 19

Quoted from:3Cbank密技百樂門 Electronic information

This time to explain the role and significance of the camera world "shutter",We all know that the aperture and the shutter is inseparable brothers,How do you say? ,Then the shutter is to control the light and out of time,One important principle 很 是 worldwide 這在 phase machine,Shutter is excessive exposure in order to prevent image exists.,Usually in the lens part,With the iris to make a change。The use of the previously mentioned large aperture,Because large openings、When irradiating the object,Certain large amount of light go,ButExcessive contact Osamu 到 曝光 a silhouette machine Yuzuru phase for non-completion,So the shutter time becomes short,A shadow image Liang degree 夠 see 到 get used 這也,But not clear enough,Conversely, if a small aperture、Into a small amount of light,Shutter speed will slow down,Shine out photos clear,But the brightness is less than ideal,How the aperture and shutter to achieve ideal proportion?

The specifications of the camera,I often see the shutter column have a bunch of digital,That is representative of the speed of the shutter,Usually in seconds,The lower the number the shutter faster the (ex:1/1000 Second)、The higher the number the slower (ex:1/8 Second),Many beginners will mistakenly think that the larger the denominator,Shutter speedDegree, the slower,Likely a mistake law 這是,If the exposure time is too long during the day (≧ 1/1 Second ) ,Shine out may only see a white,Conversely evening shutter time is too short ( ≦ 1/1000 sec.),淒的 黑淒 piece throughout nursing ability 就只 law,So control is also a very important knowledge on the shutter time。

Gate Gate Comfort Comfort B 稱做 a reducing organic kind,What B shutter? ,He works with normal shutter,B shutter control speed alone is not the same human operator,Simply say "long exposure with the shutter",The sameAperture,B shutter can be extended to a longer exposure time,Comfort fit gate current nighttime use compared 這種,Like the need to capture the meteor、Traffic on highway、Fireworks light image continuity ...,B shutter can be said to be very suitable helper。

Last,Mentioned above, the shutter with the aperture and speed,Here we called "Aperture Priority",If you set the camera aperture priority ",After a good light 圈大 small manual adjustment rule,Shutter speed of the camera automatically set the corresponding,Aperture Priority will be used in general need to decide depth of field image、View shallow。With aperture priority,Of course, there are the "shutter priority",Determine the speed of the shutter manually,The camera will automatically adjust the aperture size,Use shutter priority will decide the overall image of feeling,Use fast shutter,Can illuminate the dynamic image of the moment,Presented shocking scene with dynamic,The impact of the slow shutter to exhibit a softer image。Talked about here is not helpful to camera photography skills it? Quickly pick up your camera,Field operation again look at,You will be more comfortable Oh!

Jun 19

Quoted from:3Cbank密技百樂門 Electronic information

Many professional photographers are quite accurate for just the right degree of photography or photography,An essential piece of the virtual phase out self 以拍 nurses accepted a 專業 攝影 這些,How do you say? ,E.g:A clearly visible landscapes and a cute kitten photos,Are in the same photo,Expressive pieces required subject 這些 see one way nurses 就知 Inmo for?

The clarity of the photos can strengthen the topics to be presented,Whenever saw photos must first interpret the image most clear and obvious part,至于 模糊不清 或是 不明显 的 部分 则 忽视 不 看,This is why we see a video you can immediately identify which part is the theme、Which part is a supporting role,變及 以改 use pressurized aircraft structural phase Honmi 是 乎就 use outside non-using finesse nurses office 攝影 這些,Let's work can be taken out of the audience at a glance。

Photos should be clear,Not only better camera pixels,Light intensity throughout the feedback required consideration,Right! ,The literal point of view,Clearly know that the so-called aperture to control the light into the camera inside a flow control turns,Why do we need aperture? ,A one piece standing phase 體度 Zhang stressed 就是 a 簡單 來說,The photos will be a plane image,How to use the aperture to do skills like a professional photographer?

Aperture is a set of blades can be scaled,Its location is in that part of the lens,It is like the pupil of the human eye can still zoom。The larger the aperture,Called a large aperture,Its light source數小 clerk(ex:f3.5),Conversely the small aperture light source coefficient(ex:f22)。The camera never played novices would think that a large aperture and more light into the,Shine out photos must clear,In fact, just good opposite,The pictures taken in the same environment,The large aperture shooting photos blurred more than photos using a small aperture,Inmo 呢 這是 for?

Assuming the same in the same environment photography,The use of a large aperture,Because large openings、When irradiating the object,Certain large amount of light go,But received order not to let the camera image is overexposed,So the shutter time becomes short,And because the speed of light refraction,So only from the sight of the lens can be according to the very clear,Elsewhere will be too late to complete the spread of the camera lens becomes fuzzy,We call it shallow depth of view;Talking about this,We will know,The shooting style is to highlight the photo part of the theme as a basis for,On the contrary,Small aperture because the light into the less,Shutter time becomes longer,Refraction of light of an object can have sufficient time to the camera,Shooting out clear and beautiful photos,Called deep depth of field。
Because of the mix of aperture and shutter,Allow photos presented many changes,If the above description is still not understood,Can be credited to be larger aperture、Small coefficient、Shutter short、Shallow depth of view(Clear prospects、Background blur) Or a small aperture、Large coefficient、Slow shutter、Deep depth of field(A clear picture of) ,Shallow deep King technique is suitable according portraits or a specific object,Deep depth of field of the skills you can play shooting the big screen or landscape shots,With shutter and aperture adjustments,畫面 dynamics 攝 a neat beat than allowed return,Or let the photos presenting dynamic dynamic!

Jun 19

Quoted from:3Cbank密技百樂門 Electronic information

Today, we're telling a metering mode in the camera field ",What is metering it? ,A photo according to the,Performance in addition to have full color and theme clearly outside,Akira Kiyoshi 晰明 required return,Technology required 好 了 對焦 natural dividing 這當,Zhang completed phase one piece aesthetic talent 做到 amount 搭配 曝光 demand return,,Large impact in 太 沒有 數位 phase current machine metering technology 對於,Photometry table 內建 rumored that a half 數位 phase machine for multi-factor 這是,Built-in light meter to measure the automatic shutter and aperture value,So the user when operating digital cameras and does not notice the adjustment of the metering mode。Camera are classified into various different light metering,But most of them are multi-map grid metering central spot metering and spot metering "is more commonly,Next distinguished speakersSolution three different metering modes brings function and its application point。

More map grid metering:Also known segment metering、Segment metering or average metering,How to split formation in case 數格 畫面 Calibrate one 是 Yoshinari think 顧名,Then the light source of the many squares in each grid do the sum of the average,Its average is set shutter speed and aperture size of the camera reference;FIG plurality entire screen grid photometry is done with reference to the exposure value,So it is suitable for taking pictures of landscapes、Group photo、A larger area of ​​the screen,This mode is very suitable for use depends on the amount of exposure。

Central Spot:Also known as Center-weighted average、The main emphasis on the center of the screen metering mode,To main metering reference value to the center of the screen,That main object to be photographed,Regardless of the size of the object contrast of peripheral rays、Backlight,To normal exposure of the subject based,May sometimes be the subject and not the center of the lens,Secure than under normal 值的 曝光 攝物 就可 center mirror head 拉回 攝物 needed only under climate bunch 這時,攝 beat schematic photometry 這種 歡用 很喜 capital house a 專業 攝影 較具,But longer needed because this pattern metering,Beginners more prone to underexposure or overexposure occurs,Suggest trying diligently practiced,This mode when shooting a single subject or particular light very useful。

Spot:This metering mode photometric range than multiple metering FIG grid to the center spot metering and smaller,Is a small region of the center of the screen(Or a point)Do exposure measurement,Use the most applications in the percentage disparity is subject,Let's say an ant on a leaf、Or a bird on the blue sky,Kiyoshi beat a young 攝物 晰 required under a suspended thing 較大 proportional 這種,Spot metering will be used to a higher-quality image。

Although Metering Mode less with less important position in the digital camera,Most digital cameras are automatically measure the exposure value,Surveying parallel artificial waste,But if want to take a photo of the United States and the United States,Still need considerable understanding。

Jun 19

Quoted from:3Cbank密技百樂門 Electronic information

This secondary to explain in the camera field of what is called "ISO" ,Camera "ISO" as early the camera negatives specifications and functions,Photosensitivity 就是 來說 簡單,Early photographic experience if,Feeling on the bottom piece hull 會印 裝都 current moment 會發 bottom PurchasingPhotometric XXX,So-called sensitivity is the film's sensitivity to light,值越 large 當數,The photosensitive value greater,There are built-in camera normally digit ISO 20、25、32、40、50、64、80、100、125、160、200、250、320、400And other value,But not necessarily all of the above mentioned values ​​will be used。Sensitive values ​​and what image is directly related to it?

Above-mentioned photosensitive value the negatives for light sensitivity,In other words this,If the smaller the ISO sensitivity value(ex:ISO 80、100),Require more light(Long exposure time),Also more suitable for the environment to use camera with a slow shutter,The film sensitivity setting of ISO200,Demand only ray ISO demand law office 100 Half of the exposure time,But technological advances,Unless professionals,Museum purchase phase 會去 see the bottom piece 乎很 several little people,Are directly using the built-in digital camera specifications,Like the above-mentioned,Digital camera specifications ISO with the ordinary negatives specifications are the same,Inmo discrimination 沒有 parallel,General digital cameras are set directly using the ISO 100 Setting,outdoors、The interior has been very good enough,If you take a long time to put the shutter even ISO value can be adjusted lower,On the contrary,If the ISO value is set to 200 ~ 400 Between,The desired exposure time is greatly reduced,Shutter time to speed up,Since sufficient light、Shutter speed,When use dynamics 攝 beat 在 fit silhouette,Akira motion throughout 稍微 only machine settings using a 這樣 immediately,Was not affected to shoot out of the picture。

ISO value set improperly, then,Photographed images will be greatly reduced,For example, high sensitivity ISO values ​​with slow shutter or aperture,The captured image will be snow-white one,A careful 是 這裡,ISO value is finally set,Or to the digital camera automatically adjusts,Adjusted if need special,It goes without saying;How do you say,Usually ISO100 setting,Ordinary use has more than enough,In general shutter and light source settings,Using a high ISO value(ex:≧ISO400),Images taken obvious coarse,The higher the ISO sensitivity value more obvious,Source of light projected on a large amount of current for cause photosensitive 這是,Elevated temperatures to produce heat dry point,The reaction caused by the coarse particles on the image,Except in special circumstances,You do not have to adjust the ISO sensitivity value,Aesthetic beauty piece 喔 phase out old accepted 以照 這樣!