With just finished the warm island,And coincides with the rare good weather weekend
Iron Horse team back on the path called fattening Ilan small cell head nostalgic trip
In addition to the participation of Liao fat and tired to see me outside,There are preparing next year's Iron Man Ah Cheng island

To display "Related Articles" at the bottom of the WordPress article,Including new syntax directly in the php file or install plugin。My personal habits are not moving php can not move as much as possible,維護 after an expedient for 是,Will try to seek the way of the plug to the demand,But this to introduce plug-ins to add articlesYet Another Related Posts Plugin」。

Currently, the major search engines Jieyou Blog Login pipe,Yahoo 其中 的 部份 提供 了 一 的 服务 Site Explorer,Not only so that you can login,你參 consider supply statistical data providing unit 份搜 fathom eventually return,Is a pretty good service。
Retaining a network magazine manned 你是 confirmation for completion,Site Explorer 有 一 验证 的 机制,The main way of two:First, you must be in the Home header(head)Add a line in the specified title information;The other rule is to upload a specified html file to the root directory,Site Explorer for doing verification。But somehow,驗證 pass nil law 而言 對我 這兩 method,Are two ways to verify that the results are displayedError: internal server error (http 500)」,Yes Seki subject 佈景 乎跟 similar cause 發生,好在 Site Explorer 还有 特别 提醒,If the above two methods are invalid,You can try the third method。

Weak electric current 腦時 裝新 past,In addition to computer suite has required Driver、Software to help you "pass is flat" outside,Built,A time-consuming action is to find the driver,Help people the Zhongguan computer or the so-called "Windows downgrade",The most commonly encountered。
The approach of the past,No more than is the host vendor's Web site or the chipset manufacturer's website to search for the main,Later, the other side of the introduction of a "drive angel,Said to be very convenient,Can automatically search、Download Driver,You do not need to know what the model is,But unfortunately,Just when I had the opportunity to use it when,His service seems to have been shut down。

Under normal circumstances,使用 程序 不外乎 就是 执行 VirtualBox VirtualBox,接着 启动 Machine,However, if troublesome,Or special needs need to start the Guest VM,VirtualBox有提供一方便的功能,Right-click directly into the specified VM,You can create a shortcut on the desktop,To start the VM just coming shortcut can be directly executed。

從MSN Spaces轉戰Yam天空後,終於自己著手架設網誌,原以為會一直使用Yam天空,雖然自由度沒自己架的高,But free resources、Sufficient bandwidth,以及備援措施等種種好處也是很具吸引力,且Yam天空的客服還算不錯,偶會推出一些實用的功能,針對回報的問題也會解決,There are often just have to wait for the first half。
最後會讓我決定自己架的原因還是因為自由度,In addition,Yam天空的部落格被塞入愈來愈多的廣告,過去部份廣告還能從後台關閉,But then would not put such a thing。Coupled with the efficiency of solving part of the problem is really dragging for too long,Simply on their own shelves altogether。

Today specially invited special leave,As is to visit the Taipei Flower Expo,In fact, in the last ticket has been bought,Just press has been playing a lot of visiting crowds,So till now only go。The purpose of his mind as a beginning,As long as you want to queue XX Hall,Do not look omitted,I think even just visiting the outdoor exhibition,Should also have a good harvest is,The results really did not let me down。

Rhythmbox,Release of many years 樂播 equation ubuntu sound at 內建 這支,Is all too familiar。A few years ago new to ubuntu,Not yet accustomed to such iTune style player,So look for the Audacious to use imitation WinAMP。Because after every six months will reperfusion ubuntu,倦 reach disagreeable sense of a re-duplication tool body 份軟 裝部 safety 對於 Oligocene Oligocene,Came into contact with built-in Rhythmbox。