剩兩 only heaven island ring,Neither of these two days distance more than 100km
I thought,He slowly to complete it ~ should no longer experience the "challenge" of the bar(錯了 our results ..)

Weather forecast last night to early morning rain 90%,Morning to night, 30%
Sure enough, when it began to rain last night ~
Let me have more confidence in forecast

Early morning 4:45,Before dawn
Toilet look,Cayao、Finishing equipment,Hit the road!
This is the third consecutive good days every day exhibition plot

Beginning today,Not a mountain road,Will also spend different weather and eastern
Distance and time,Ryouichi half ring 已騎 Island,But the mentality still dare not overly lax
Just the morning's weather,Still people feel good

The previous day to enjoy plenty of rest,Side route today
Matter how you look,Seem to have no "heard" horror ah ~
Goals for early completion 太 避免,At last wake-up small pieces decision 晚兩&Departure

Today, the same early morning less than ready to get up at five o'clock
Nearly six o'clock,Abba 也起 來了
Good morning to the master channel sound and prepares for downhill
Down the mountain,Outside under a light rain
Some cold weather,Some steep slope,Wild dogs noisy enough..

After the previous day's fighting,Today's mood significantly relax many
但 还是 没有 让 自己 过度 松懈
An intent Author 心情 advance 敢大 not 這種 抱著 是 乎就 several crawling heaven

Suhua unknown,關鍵 firmament of the highest order under our 這天 Tay
I thought ~ as long as it closed their,Ryoichi most complete ring 就過 Island(Of course .. this is to motivate yourself, then)

發的 這天 out throughout the final 於來,CHI Fusaku luck,Yes 臉 sun exposure,Associated mood is also good
Six in his early,Cellphone ringing,Liao fertilizer called,Han!?People in the downstairs
Send line feed our child 竟然 跑來 這小,Return true throughout our 沒想
Sahara few,To continue to prepare the first line
Liao fat then began to pat his camera..

Hike ~ is I've never really thought about the idea of
Two years ago, is keen on cycling,Sister once asked me, "You thought I'd be around the island it?"
We reach a Yilan Yilan 挑戰 success running north Tsuyoshi 當時,Directly back to him "how might,I'm not that strong. "