Create a QRCode generator API through ASP.NET Core

Previously, colleagues reported that Google’s QR Code API sometimes failed to work.,After checking the relevant information,Got the idea to learn C# by writing this API,Spent some time exploring,I really got it out of you。The function of this API is to enter a value in the URL,You can generate QRCode images directly in the browser,The following will be written for the first time ASP.NET Core / Explained from the perspective of a newbie in C#。

Add new project
"File → Add → Project",Select "C#" for the filter category above, Windows, WebAPI」,
select ASP.NET Core Web API

Enter a project name。

Here I have checked "Use Controller",I feel like it would be clearer if the program is classified a little bit.。
"Enable OpenAPI support" is unchecked,Because there is no need。

Install QRCoder package
"Project → Manage NuGet Packages"。

Search “QRCoder”,And install。

Add Controller
In [Controllers] Right click on the directory,Select "Join → Controller"。

Select "API Controller" in the "API" project – blank"。

Select API Controller again – blank"。

Write a program
Write a program in the newly added Controller:

// using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
// 系統產生,沒用到。

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using QRCoder;

namespace QRCode.Controllers
    // 指定路徑為,
    // 不指定時,會是。

    // [ApiController]
    // 系統產生,沒用到。

    public class QRCodeGenController : ControllerBase
        public IActionResult GetQrCode(string qrText)
            byte[] image = PngByteQRCodeHelper.GetQRCode(qrText, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q, 10);
            return File(image, "image/png");

Test results
Select "Debug → Start debugging"。

Enter the name of the Controller and the value to generate QRCode at the end of the address bar,Press Enter to generate a QRCode image。

Other supplements
This program was written half a year ago,I have the impression that I encountered several situations and installed the following packages one after another.,for reference:
ASP.NET Core execution phase 6.0.36

  • x64 (Development side): aspnetcore-runtime-6.0.28-win-x64.exe
  • Hosting Bundle (IIS edge): dotnet-hosting-6.0.28-win.exe

"Reference Link"

One Response

  1. Lao Sen Chang Tan IT Help » Publish the project to the IIS server through Visual Studio Says |

    […] After the QRCode generator's API,How to turn the program into IIS […]

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