Yesterday my colleagues to send a letter to the customer reaction,Most messages are garbled。Get the questionable message,Is a garbled text of the letter,And Sent Sent party is actually a html format,This is the case with previous experience are not the same,In the past when it was sent,Use the RTF format,And the other party is not using Outlook,Will cause damage to contents。
Yesterday the installation of a new computer,When you enable Office 2013 serial number,Out of a "very sorry,An error occurred,Are unable to process your request。Please try again later。(0xC004C780)」,To select a line and then jump to the start screen or telephone。
The website that used the AppServ shelf in the early years was hacked,一直查不出原因,Want to update Apache、PHP、The MySQL version is limited by the compatibility issue of the Joomla package and cannot be performed,之後又要遇到需要另外新增一個網站的需求,Originally planned to use XAMPP,But when reading the official XAMPP documents,赫然看到官方並不建議將此軟體用於正式環境,若非得使用,官方雖有建議調整部份設定值,以提高安全性,但又提醒你,這只能稍微增加一點點安全性而已 (好直白的官方啊~哈),So I started to research and install Apache independently.、MariaDB、PHP and phpMyAdmin。
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以往多是遇到Outlook的超連結無法開啟的問題,今天倒是頭一次遇到Excel的超連結出現「發生未預期的錯誤」,直覺先測試Outlook有沒有問題,結果正常,後來查看一些設定,該使用者的Windows權限被設為Debugger,調整回Administrator後重開機,That problem solved。
打開Outlook時,預設會直接進到「收件匣」,如果是設定IMAP帳號,那這個收件匣對我們來說就沒有意義了,要調整預設開啟的資料夾,May be through the following steps:
IE在第一次使用時,會跳出初始設定畫面供調整參數,今天遇到一台安裝IE7的電腦,在按下最後一步的「套用設定」後,畫面就停了,Then the lower left corner is also a syntax error message appears。
近期常發生透過Outlook寄信時,寄出的信有一大段的文字不見,已經越來越多同仁在反應這個Outlook漏字的問題,目前多發生在Outlook 2003+ On the Windows 7 environment。
防火墙 有 一 软体 Sonicwall Global VPN Client VPN 叫,Will produce a virtual network card after installation—"Sonicwall Virtual Adapter",This network card is usually disabled,When the connection is established,Enable will automatically。
Word files when the computer is turned colleague,Appears "This file can not be registered,Unable to create a link with this file in other documents. ",If you simply open a blank word normal。
同事使用Outlook 2013,已經有兩次在啟動時,畫面停留在「載入設定檔」,前一回上網找的方法都沒用,Finally good had refilled the only solution,This time encounter,Once again surf the Internet to see if there are no new insights,Microsoft has finally released a description found,The main crux of the problem is related with the graphics card driver。