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This time to explain the role and significance of the camera world "shutter",We all know that the aperture and the shutter is inseparable brothers,How do you say? ,Then the shutter is to control the light and out of time,One important principle 很 是 worldwide 這在 phase machine,Shutter is excessive exposure in order to prevent image exists.,Usually in the lens part,With the iris to make a change。The use of the previously mentioned large aperture,Because large openings、When irradiating the object,Certain large amount of light go,But

Excessive contact Osamu 到 曝光 a silhouette machine Yuzuru phase for non-completion,So the shutter time becomes short,A shadow image Liang degree 夠 see 到 get used 這也,But not clear enough,Conversely, if a small aperture、Into a small amount of light,Shutter speed will slow down,Shine out photos clear,But the brightness is less than ideal,How the aperture and shutter to achieve ideal proportion?
The specifications of the camera,I often see the shutter column have a bunch of digital,That is representative of the speed of the shutter,Usually in seconds,The lower the number the shutter faster the (ex:1/1000 Second)、The higher the number the slower (ex:1/8 Second),Many beginners will mistakenly think that the larger the denominator,Shutter speed
Degree, the slower,Likely a mistake law 這是,If the exposure time is too long during the day (≧ 1/1 Second ) ,Shine out may only see a white,Conversely evening shutter time is too short ( ≦ 1/1000 sec.),淒的 黑淒 piece throughout nursing ability 就只 law,So control is also a very important knowledge on the shutter time。
Gate Gate Comfort Comfort B 稱做 a reducing organic kind,What B shutter? ,He works with normal shutter,B shutter control speed alone is not the same human operator,Simply say "long exposure with the shutter",The same
Aperture,B shutter can be extended to a longer exposure time,Comfort fit gate current nighttime use compared 這種,Like the need to capture the meteor、Traffic on highway、Fireworks light image continuity ...,B shutter can be said to be very suitable helper。
Last,Mentioned above, the shutter with the aperture and speed,Here we called "Aperture Priority",If you set the camera aperture priority ",After a good light 圈大 small manual adjustment rule,Shutter speed of the camera automatically set the corresponding,Aperture Priority will be used in general need to decide depth of field image、View shallow。With aperture priority,Of course, there are the "shutter priority",Determine the speed of the shutter manually,The camera will automatically adjust the aperture size,Use shutter priority will decide the overall image of feeling,Use fast shutter,Can illuminate the dynamic image of the moment,Presented shocking scene with dynamic,The impact of the slow shutter to exhibit a softer image。Talked about here is not helpful to camera photography skills it? Quickly pick up your camera,Field operation again look at,You will be more comfortable Oh!