SMF出現the copyright must be in the template..


  Today took the time to the Forum(SMF)Add a few plug-in,An update operation 些 regarded as a first flight,However, in the update the language pack,But there "Sorry beneath Forum, the copyright must be in the template"的一大串錯誤訊息,Was originally thought that I moved to what,Rondan 查 來上 officer who later,Do not Mandarin - the same problem,So the question should be judged in a language file。

Internet google a bit,Finally found a solution:

(default for your theme)

Individual character skewer 將整(Contains an equal sign behind a long list of)Changed following this string

$forum_copyright = '<a href="" title="Simple Machines Forum" target="_blank">Powered by ' . $forum_version . '</a> | <a href="" title="Free Forum Software" target="_blank">SMF &copy; 2006-2009, Simple Machines LLC</a>';



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