Friends reaction did not take long to buy a new NB with,Every day when the machine is re-opened,Windows 8 Tips "in your PC,Then be prompted to generate a dump file,Tsuyoshi good recently for BlueScreenView transmission 檢視 dump come 當機 solve problem,This time they'll try it again。
Windows 7提供在工作列游標移動時,可以預覽工作視窗,此功能是建構在Aero效果底下,最近遇到一個情形,預覽的效果沒出現,而啟用Aero Peek的選項也變成灰色,Can not be checked。
Excel has a user-friendly function send the file as an attachment to go,Located in the "File" - "Send To" - "Mail Recipient(當作 Supplementary reviews)」,Popup window will call the mail software and placed into the annex to this Excel,Usually here it calls Outlook,A while back, but encountered called out is Windows Live mail。
Previously issued an address on excel file open net Fang in particular the problem of slow,The main problem lies in the updates released by Microsoft,Do check for part of the UNC path excel file,Consuming a great deal of time,One minute or more bell 這個 time Yes more than exceeded,Solution by removing updates,Or install Microsoft later released fixes for。
Current ubuntu on transparent wine come service Foxy 曾試 Author several years ago,Successful natural 試到 after 來雖,But because too many things installed,So do not know which is the reason Foxy smooth run,Reperfusion ubuntu,One under Tsuyoshi good 趁著 machine 會實 驗,關鍵 equation arrives at last end 於找,It is the MS XML。