Originally I say

Author:Fu Pei-jung

Press:Nine Press

Publishing Day:2010December

Individual competitions:★★★★☆

Father,Or that the Tao Te Ching,Junior,Yes 紹過 capital through this department,But in my mind,Only know the Taoist school Zhuangzi like fable to illustrate some ideas,Taoism in the end in talking about,Almost tell what they。

Occasionally see this book in the store,Take up a few pages,Feeling seems to like the title of some,There will be original…"a feeling of。Professor Fu non for "I" to explain a chapter by chapter,First, they point out a theme,Explanation mentioned in Chapter I which,This approach seems to make people more likely to put the text of the description of the world。

It took two、Three months before the book reading。I thought of abstruse,Through Fu professor mistranslated,Taoism was finally able to take a closer look。Once you know a way of thinking,去 thinking 換個 angle,Often can be applied in daily life,Therefore benefit。


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Taoism is featured from "Road" perspective on the universe and life。"Road" is the overall,The overall point of view,The earthly various encounters,Natural disasters 是 course,是 personal tribulation return,Should not be attached。The pain of life from the "ego",We needed a certain someone else wins over 認為,I have to reach some kind of target,Or I will not run into any difficulties。Try to let it live,Do not be too concerned about the enjoyment of the body,Do not be self-centered,I think,關懷 many others people 盡量 應該,Blood and China。At this moment,Your open-minded,Natural decrease pain and trouble


"Do not naturally",Do not always think they are right,Felt some,You can not highlight the real situation。


Time to see anything,Do not say that you,That cheap ;How this,How that;Everything from itself,,It is something you enjoy。Like it or not than do not know a more important,Did not figure out that you can not even really like,Say like this do not like that,Just subjective wishful thinking。


Heart often gonna do better,How to more effectively,Mind often turbulent,One came 這樣,It is impossible to realize "Tao" the。Taoist Tao "Tao" is to let your heart calm down,Like the water one can see everything,Real consciousness。


Add in a Yokubo 逐之 陷於 one fellow human capital Kyota child,But happy after get? Not necessarily。E.gWe often have some persistent,See good things wanted appropriation,Get after it discarded as trash,Do not care;Will appear from time to time want something more,Mentality has been in the midst of change,Suffering from the pain of insecurity。On the contrary,Can be combined with the root causes of,There is nothing in the world is necessarily not a,"All the world like Yung Hua Fugui" Zhuangzi ‧ fable "in view of bird referred to as、Qianwenmengxiang been almost too ",Bird watching、Mosquitoes flew from the front,Do not mind。


For example, love,People more caring for others,His love is more abundant,The larger the energy to help others。This energy come not from outside,But developed from within。相反的,If you never care for others,Genshutsu come this spring 沒有 ability 就根 love heart,Yes difficult when someone else arrives Nursing 當他,Do not know how to help。


Yes things retaining its current,May not have previously,The future may disappear;How have less、Something to be lost,Have to go there。So,Let things continue to operate、activity,Do not have what you want to accumulate。


Way of heaven,Is the loss can not be replenished,To maintain the natural ecological balance。Next autumn to spring is the most obvious example……Once into the human world,Employing the standard to measure,Everything aliasing,"Never things to eventually become,Much ado about nothing ",Most of the world are plagued by human self-inflicted。


Only one purpose of human life,Is in you alive,Cherish the opportunity,A wisdom 潛能 發 open,Woke up to what is the "Road",Realize that my life is not in vain to this was,But there is a root cause and foundation,Should try with the "Road" combination。After "with Tao.",Our life is like one hundred million drip melt into the sea,Never dry。


Gong says:"Fallen flowers are not heartless things,Into Chunni more quadrangle。After the "flower withered into Chunni,One under the protection 朵花…


Qu completely,Be crooked straight,Yeongdeok law Kubo,Spacious, the new,Less is more,As many as confusion。……Husband does not contend,So the world can contend with monensin。


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