The previous the past article will recommend the virtual memory is set to 1.5 times to 2.5 times the physical memory range,In the case of substantial price reduction of the memory,來越 large amount Yue 體容 electric 腦 personal memories deployment,Therefore, various proposals have emerged value。
PChome magazine presented a pretty good decision,Is worth considering。He is using the Windows System History,Information form a 憶體 use 擬記 錄虛 century,To determine the virtual memory size to be set。Everyone use your computer and software differ,If accepted method 以符 personal 需求 這種,Compared to several times times the method,For the capital house 很適 對大 這種 method,Detail follows:
3.在「一般」的標籤下,Click "Add Counters"。In the "performance object" drop-down menu select "Paging File"。The following "Select counters from list" in the menu click "% Usage Peak",Menu and in the "Instances select from a list," click the "_Total"。After confirmation Click "New" and click "Close"。
5.對著剛新增的紀錄設定按右鍵點選「啟動」,That began to record usage of virtual memory。
6.紀錄檔預設存放於C:\PerfLogs目錄下,以.csv格式儲存,Are open by EXCEL or Notepad。After opening you can see data similar to "3.4027099" in,表示使用率,以前面數據來說,就是使用了3.4%左右,虛擬記憶體我原先設定1,152MB,Represents the total use of virtual memory 39MB at that point in time。