Before the order to the diary with the day temperature,The Internet to find any similar widget can provide real-time weather tool,Finally found this tool Screenlets。Screenlets offers many similar windows under widget and gadget functionality,Like weather、And stock market information systems, etc.,Is a very handy little tool。
Screenlets made searchable through the Synaptic package manager.。After installation,Can start in Accessories,The program defaults to built-in dozens of gadgets,If it is not enough,Can also be expanded through the Internet to download。

目前我有使用的是ClearWeather及Meter,The former is to see the day temperature and week forecast,The latter is the case of the CPU loading View。
Which ClearWeather Just enter the code of the local city,You can instantly displays the local weather situation,It is convenient。The zip code can be found in the country。To store it,ImportHsin-tien 后,Show deposits of 當地 information was immediately surface 會 page,At this point in the lengthy URL listsString "…local/TWXX0010?Hsin-tien = lswe…",AmongTWXX0010That is, the new store zip code,Import equation arrives back 將其,Over several seconds each,Will display the temperature and weather of the new store La ~

- Screenlets official website:
- The Weather Channel:
- Google Dictionary: