NTLDR is missing…It seems that every so often will need to solve this problem,Sometimes inexplicable,有時是boot.ini設定錯誤,Sometimes…Is being cut by mistake。
總而言之,發生這個問題就是系統找不到NTLDR這個檔,又或者這個檔已損毀,So solution is to restore this file。
使用XP光碟開機進入修復主控台,這邊假設光碟機為X槽,Enter the following command:
copy X:\i386NTLDR c:
copy X:\i386NTdetect.com c:
After completion of the file for the system plus、Read-only、Hidden attribute
attrib +s +r +h NTLDR
重開機後便可進入Windows,如果還有出現一堆lilicoco的檔案missing或損毀,That…Ready bagging it。(記得確認硬碟是否healthy)