Set public contacts in MDaemon address book-AD (LDAP) Manual synchronization

Previous Article"Set up public contacts in MDaemon address book-manual import"Write is to manually upload a csv file to set up the public address book,This article is for MDaemon to directly synchronize contact information with AD,The title will write manual synchronization because you need to press it yourself,Will sync。


surroundings:MDaemon 16.0.4
◎ Click "Setup"-"Public Folder Manager"。


◎ Click "Enable public folders" to enable the public address book。


◎ Click "Accounts"-"Account Settings"。


◎ Click "Authentication" under "Active Directory"。

※ After inputting, you can click "Test these settings" to test。

Bind DN:網域\管理者帳號


Base entry DN:AD Server IP

Search filter:篩選參數
# 上圖表示:篩選出 displayName、mail 有值的物件,
# 並排除 mail 屬性為 null 或 No-Mail-Group 的物件。


◎ Click "Monitoring" under "Active Directory",And check "Monitor Active Directory and update public address books"。
◎ Press "Apply" first,再按「Perform full Active Directory scan now」。

※ Although there are every 30 Columns to be queried in seconds,But it will not actually be applied to the update of the public address book,So every time you want to sync,To manually click。


◎ Then you can log in to Webmail,You can find the AD contacts of each domain name in the public address book。

※ When the setting of Public Folder is changed,If User has logged in to Webmail,After finishing the setting,User needs to log in again to see the correct environment。


   It is a pity that MDaemon will automatically classify the address following @,Distribute contacts of different domains under public address books of different domains,If I want to make a global address book,I'm going to move it manually。

   If the imported information is different than expected,You can open the AppActiveDS.dat file,Modify the correspondence between MDaemon and LDAP field attributes。

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