ubuntu 升 上 8:04 后,On a whim to replace the built-in Rhythmbox Audacious as the mp3 player tools,But has encountered while loading the label almost all garbled,Only a small portion of the newer file tag is identifiable。After climbing some articles online,才了解原來Rhythmbox是以utf-8來抓ID3v2-2.4,Most of my files tag are Big5,Only late foobar2000 write is utf-8 format,So a bunch of gibberish situation will occur。

After fatigue for weeks on the Firefox beta x reported bombing,Finally this beta unable to bear,Ran to catch up to experience。

Previously are Tcl8.4 aMSN with fontFixesAMSN for 來使,Thus you can only use a little old aMSN version,Although the old version with no big problem,But the feeling is always a bit worse,So last week spent a whole morning to study how to solve this problem。Dog cushions a bit,Will be found to resolve this issue as long as the switch to the new version of Tcl8.5,Next is how to install Tcl8.5,Was supposed to be a very simple action,Translation of the original file but because I did not group,Spent a lot of time learning with groping,Fortunately was able to achieve their goals,Surface shaped through aesthetic beauty arrives at last nursing,All the hard work finally worth it。