在公司試著在VirtualBox安裝Windows 2000 Server 时,To copy files,Automatically reboot,Tried and tested,Thought it was soft、Support of hardware problems,Sown this calculation work,I did not expect to actually found the answer on Google…

Previously only finished the SMPlayer sound issue,Before long the image is also a problem。This time solution is also similar with sound to the modification & quot; Output driver & quot;。

Up early,Before diary,Want to put the song to listen to,Good morning to meet this weekend。Think of this stuff online broadcast,Searching for a bit,Saw the familiar faces—Hinet Radio(Hinedo)。

I do not know when to start,When playing a video with SMPlayer,Sometimes suddenly stopped,Or is paused when you adjust the sound will,We thought this was the problem of software or Driver,Try Internet search luck,Really did not expect to find the answer。

Before the island of Java have records of how the 64-bit ubuntu install Adobe Reader,But yesterday, you want to install,Know the situation a little change..

Rose after the ubuntu 9.10,There was always a condition of installing wine,After hard loaded up,Can not be completely normal use,Prior to the Internet to find a number of articles,Also tried to compile the source code,沒 是 return problem solving,The matter was going to throw up,Then finally no intention to find a solution,And the reason was quite blind…

Start preparation work VirtualBox Open Tsuyoshi Tsuyoshi 啟,邊開邊思考著,Do not know that there is no convenient switch Host-side with the virtual end of the display,VirtualBox 便 开启 的 设定 来 瞧瞧,Then find a seamless mode,Select 擇後,Exclaimed loudly ~ wow..

ubuntu 升 上 9:10 后,wine becomes strange,Can only be installed when installing the package manager of wine 1.2,Can not install the main wine,Installation from the software center will also appear dependency error,Just installed 1.2, then,會出 complex formula also runs part 份程,Finally had to manually compile the wine。

Before the order to the diary with the day temperature,The Internet to find any similar widget can provide real-time weather tool,Finally found this tool Screenlets。Screenlets offers many similar windows under widget and gadget functionality,Like weather、And stock market information systems, etc.,Is a very handy little tool。

在windows環境下,To edit the music files,Early believe many people have used the Goldwave this program,The Goldwave functions easy to use and easy to use,Just a pity,He is not free。