Sea 6

The code on this blog is presented through the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plug-in,But I don't know why,I've been having trouble getting my code to render inline,Later I just used it myself span Tags are rendered with CSS,Later I noticed that I have never used the code button on the text editor.,Finally, simply write the new CSS into code Label,Then you can apply it quickly。
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Feb 19

Quick Report in 1920*1080 resolution plus 125% When the above display setting environment is,The proportion of "Preview Print" will be incorrect.(too big or too small),But the actual printing is normal.,If you want to correct,It is necessary to modify the qrprntr.pas file of Quick Report in the compilation environment,There are two ways to correct it。

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Aug 25
<%# Eval("SDate", "{0:yyyy/MM/dd}") %>
// 0: 表示定義整個括號裡面的第 0 個變數要採用此日期格式。

// 以下為兩個變數的範例。
string s = String.Format("At {0}, the temperature is {1}°C.",
                         DateTime.Now, 20.4);
// Output similar to: 'At 4/10/2015 9:29:41 AM, the temperature is 20.4°C.'


Jul 11
unit unit1;


  Windows, Messages....

  TFormName = (Casefm1, Casefm2, Casefm3);

function xxx(): Boolean;
  StrFormName: String;
  CaseFormName: TFormName;
  StrFormName := 'Case' + vFormName; 
  // 將 FormName(物件) 與 TFormName(值) 做區隔。
  // (vFormName為帶有各FormName的字串變數)
  CaseFormName := TFormName(GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TFormName), StrFormName));

  case CaseFormName of




Jul 11

Delphi menus seem to always have fonts that go back to default (8, Tahoma) The problem,Questions from abroad,but no solution。The temporary solution I can think of at the moment is to set a function key (Can be set as hotkey),Let user encounter small font size,Reset font size by yourself。(During testing, the menu font can be changed back to the default value by changing the Windows display size percentage)

procedure Tmainform.N93Click(Sender: TObject);
  Screen.MenuFont.Size := 12;
  xxxxxx.BringToFront; // 改變畫面焦點,以刷新選單畫面。


Jul 11
procedure TfmQAB.FormShortCut(var Msg: TWMKey; var Handled: Boolean);
if (Msg.CharCode = 116)  and (HiWord(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)) = 1)  then 


Jul 11
  vTime, vTime1, vTime2: double;
  vTime1 := GetTickCount();
  vTime2 := GetTickCount();
  vTime := (vTime2 - vTime1) / 1000;
  Showmessage(floatToStr(vTime) + 's');


Jan 20

   Just when I adjusted the CSS syntax,I do not know why,After the resolution is simulated as the mobile phone resolution,The version does not show the effect that RWD should have,At first I thought the @media screen syntax did not take effect,After repeated testing,It was found that the width grammar did not follow the resolution ratio change (Already set to auto or use max-width)。Later, I tried to close the "Web Developer" mode”Touch simulation”Features,Will be normal,I don’t know why it affects this way。
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May 27

When checking system records today,See MariaDB has a lot of error messages,Follows:

InnoDB: Table mysql/innodb_index_stats has length mismatch in the column name table_name. Please run mysql_upgrade

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Apr 29

SQL Server will run out of operating system memory by default,And on the server dedicated to SQL Server,In general, it is also recommended to use the memory as much as possible for SQL Server,One to improve efficiency,Secondly, it also reduces the IO loss of the hard disk。However, if there are specific circumstances that need to control the memory limit of SQL Server,SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) To achieve。

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