Use HeidiSQL backup、Restore MariaDB(MySQL)

Has always been in the management database through phpMyAdmin,Because the demand is not high,So it is no problem on use,When the recent data down to take the test environment online environment,Upload limit of phpMyAdmin becomes an obsession。Since the use of MariaDB,Installation tools are shipped with a HeidiSQL,Did not particularly original research,This is particularly to search a bit HeidiSQL,It turned out that is a stand-alone version of the database management tool,And is open source,The following is the test environment DB Export,Before importing it into the official record of the environment。



– After using DB on HeidiSQL even test environment,Right opposite the DB,Select "Export data to SQL script."。


– There are several ways to export,Since I will be when import,Will adopt "1. first remove the DB。 2.Create a new DB 。3.Import SQL script。"So I check the" creation "with the insertion ''。


– Even after using the DB on a formal environmental HeidiSQL,Of the original DB Right-click select "Edit",Modify the name out。


– Then create a new database,And on the right click "Query" work window。


– Right click in the blank,Click "Load SQL File",And select the file you want to import .sql。


– If the file is relatively large,Asks you to”Run directly Archives”still is”Load the file into the editor”,Since I was going to direct reduction,So choose”Run directly Archives”To。


Above is the basic backup through HeidiSQL、Restore action。



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