Feb 26

Two years ago bought an HP ProLiant Server,This is the first installation of the system on their own servers HP(In the past are buying IBM),The first time you use iLO,Many feel than the IBM ServerGuide mechanism to facilitate,At least I do not have the Internet to search for ServerGuide download version and burn, etc.,But there seems to slow the process of discovery operations a little unusual,Because it is the first time iLO,Plus regular follow-up is also put into the OS,They did not re-study。
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Feb 22
//MVC3開始,新增Razer語法,不同於先前的<%...%>括號語法,使用At Sgin(@)敘述程式碼片段。


    String strPrint = "這是測試輸出文字";
    <span>strPring</span><br />
    <span>@strPrint</span><br />

@{string strl = "測試";}
@(strl)輸出文字<br />

@{ string strHtml1 = "<ul><li>項目一</li></ul>";}
@Html.Raw(strHtml1)<br />

Feb 13

After noon, helping the company to install a x3650 M5 boot both Windows Update,Will no longer wake up not,Once the suspect is not a bug caused Updates,After all, the issue of the recent emergence of a little frequent Updates。After the case open,In addition to an outer error LED 163 lights,See SYS BRD ERROR Fengyun are bright,I would like to direct a death sentence,Please hurry DBA colleagues subsequent remedial measures,But my colleagues go out to eat,Plus this is the company's main DB Server,If you give up this,To remedy time at least two hours,And data to be re-built in the morning came,So it is eagerly looking for opportunities to wake it。

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Feb 5

Feb 4
public ActionResult Index()
            TempData["Message"] = "修改此範本即可開始著手進行您的ASP.NET MVC應用程式。";
            return View();
Feb 3
    public class Guestbook
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Content { get; set; }
        public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; }
        public Member Member { get; set; }

    public class Member
        public string Username { get; set; }
        public string Password { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Email { get; set; }

        public ICollection<Guestbook> Guestbook { get; set; }
    //Code First 就是在Model定義好各欄位後,其他的Controller、View都會自動幫你產生,