今天下午一口氣看了兩部片子(第四台),其中一部是「童夢奇緣」,我是從中間開始看的,看的過程不覺得怎麼樣,但看完之後,Food for thought。
片尾那位大叔說的一句話讓人很有感覺~「生命是一個過程,Sadly, it can not be repeated;The good news is that it does not need to be repeated. ",In Xiao Guang said that was wrong after,Uncle said to:"Now understand too late。I told you the future is full of hope,Even if your life one day left,Should make a living! After the "little light after another went to the father of actress and little light,劇情並沒有出現女主角失望或傷心的畫面,年邁的小光向父親說出實情後還挨了幾下,結局更沒有發生令人期待的返老還童劇情,雖然結果都不符一般大眾的預期的心理,但卻還是讓人覺得是一個很棒的結局,It can be said truly innovative outcome rigid architecture。
上網搜尋時,看到不少網友被這部電影感動到落淚,可能我是從中間開始看的,又邊看邊跟外甥玩,所以沒那麼投入,But for this film or have moved a little。