環保產品—清淨海 沐浴乳/洗髮精

  話說某年,老爸拿了單位發的環保禮盒回家,但被老媽嫌到不行,After they asked if I would use。For me,Whether wash、Bathe、Shampoo, etc.,用什麼牌子其實都沒差,So I agreed to help eliminate the。After Think,既然我對這些產品都不挑,何不乾脆以後就用有環保標章的,也算為環境盡一份心力,So after they had deliberately started looking for environmentally friendly cleaning products Mark。

  當年老爸拿回來的品牌是白雪洗髮乳跟沐浴乳,使用起來明顯的泡沫比較少,但對我來說還OK,因此也用了有好段時間,但白雪的一個大缺點是通路難找,尤其是洗髮乳,像PCHome雖然有在賣,但其環保洗髮乳往往是缺貨狀態,因此有段時間我都是透過拍賣去購買別人銷售的股東會贈品,The price is much cheaper。However, approximately two years later,拍賣上一樣都是同一批的day code,保固期都剩一年不到了,Therefore had to start looking for other brands。

  清淨海這牌子,忘了是網路找的還是一樣老爸帶回來的,第一次使用印象就很好,首先它的味道我個人覺得蠻舒服的,再來是他的泡沫很多,跟一般沐浴/洗髮乳差不多,因此不需要擠太多的量,Wash the hair will not feel astringent。After a period of time with a clean sea,A particular gift Dad brought back into Japan's highest honor in environmental goods。When using the early Lion,還蠻不適應的,因其味道讓我有種酸澀感,很不習慣,而獅王的泡沫也算多,所以用了好久才把那罐用完,After they began to actively pay attention can get clean sea passage。

  原本主要還是透過拍賣平台去購買股東會的清淨海贈品,後來終於在家樂福看到上架了,且似乎每隔一段時間就會推出買一送一的活動,The price is very low。Buy one get one activity has already met twice,這次索性多買了好幾瓶,不是為了囤貨,而是送給社福單位使用,一來可以幫助其單位,二來也算是支持清淨海的環保商品,And a two Gu。

  清淨海除了沐浴乳/洗髮精外,其地板清潔劑的泡沫跟味道也不錯,Also recommended。And part of dish soap,印象清潔效果較差,後來老媽怕我洗不乾淨就拿去用了,不過因為已經是比較之前的事,不太確定實際使用情形,So the next intend to buy once and see。

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