4000K LED bulbs use comparative experiences

ledBeginning last year,LED 換為 further 燈泡 燈泡 a land 續替 back home,In addition to energy saving,More desirable lower temperature allows indoor temperature slightly lower in the summer more。A start for Mom when there transducer,是 夠亮 appeal,Therefore, the focus of purchase is brightness to 1000 lumens,至于 我 个人,Preference is 4000K color temperature lamp。


  原本在使用省電燈泡時,就有買了兩顆關東的4000K燈泡在客廳用,4000K的色溫有的稱自然光,有的稱正白光,總之他是介於白光跟黃光中間的一種顏色,一般市面上的產品介於4000K~4300K,我蠻喜歡這個色溫,So then began looking for this color temperature of the LED light bulb。


  首先找到的是日毓光電的12W白光產品,雖是標示白光,但色溫規格是4300K,買了三顆試用後,感覺還ok,因此後續又接著買了六顆,But the problem began to appear。A period of time flashing a situation occurs,1 may be a flash、2More minutes,But 1、2Hours and then continue to flash。In addition to this problem,在剛關掉的情況下,將燈泡拔下來裝到別的插座,有很高的機率會不亮,接下來就是兩種結果,一是等個幾分鐘後再開就好了,Another consequence is that it never lit。


  日毓原廠的人態度很好,換貨也很乾脆,還會到府來收,所以我也就一直這麼用著,反正有問題可以換,但後來實在有點離譜,有好幾次剛拿回來接上就有點在閃爍,我通常累積三顆以上再換,想說幫他們省點運費,但這樣也能讓我換到五次以上,有想過是不是我家迴路問題,所以有次拿到新品後,直接拿去老媽家裏用,結果隔沒兩周,還是閃了,A whole is silent。


  後來終於等到另外一個牌子也出了4000K的LED燈泡—英柏特(ENVI) 9W 4500 – 4800k 正白光,4000K的LED燈泡相較於4000K的省電燈泡好像都有點偏紅,但還可以接受,上面兩款雖然色溫不同,But in fact almost feel。After a few weeks to try to buy a,總算告別星星點燈的日子,因此後續又買了幾顆英柏特的,到目前為止,都還沒發生問題,而價位部份,英柏特比日毓的便宜很多,大概是六折之多(A 當時 價格)。


In addition to the above two,其實還有一個JUSTLED的APOLLO 7產品,Color temperature is pure white 4000K,價格 很高 來時 out Tsuyoshi 這款,But I think quite a lot of technical bar,So they want to buy one to try,Time after purchase 來要,Price change binary,Being happy when,But found that she would never buy a non-arrival,Asked whether dealers or original,Not determine when you can re-buy,Evil is a pity。


Sogo 來說,If you are looking for at this stage 4000K LED program,I would recommend you buy British Burt(ENVI)The product,Of course, I hope the future there are more brands launch 4000K goods,Competition, there is progress,The price will be cheaper chanting。


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