Wagaly Talk

Last month, saying telephone charges based on considerations,Decided to put forward to use with VoIP,After a relatively,Applied for Seednet of Wagaly Talk。

If you take Wagaly Talk compared with Skype products,Personally think Wagaly Talk Skype better than many。Wagaly Talk advantages listed below:

1.Not your computer。Just a phone ready,So people who do not understand computers at home can easily use。

2.Dial the same way。Wagaly Talk will determine the number dialed automatically choose to use Internet calling or general landline.,Call the usual way and is no different from dial-up completely。

3.Built-in Hub and wireless AP function。Hub Wagaly Talk machine containing both AP and wireless functions。(Currently a wireless AP must have at least 2,000 more)

4.Capable of reaching the calls monthly fee。Although it is 79 or 99 yuan monthly fee,But capable of reaching airtime,So is tantamount to a no monthly fees。

5.Low rates than the local call。This is also the flagship of all VoIP product demands,To the most frequently used mobile phones as an example,3.2 yuan per minute,Cheaper than the Chinese telecommunications network interoperability played five yuan,If Wagaly Talk users play each other,Completely without money。

6.Now there is a line three Seednet sharing program ,As long as the use Seednet ADSL,The program can use the Internet arrived airtime charges,Now I can play equal monthly cell phone for nearly three hours without money。

A few years ago Wagaly Talk ad playing quite frequently in,I do not know why recently did in advertising,Feel quite pity,Because this product is really quite stick。

I hope to have more people know of such products,Allow Taiwan to accelerate the era into the Internet phone now!

8 Responses

  1. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:
    Welcome to join Wagaly Family.

  2. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:
    Otherwise, you must also fell in love with it:)
    話說最近Seednet終於開始強烈促銷Wagaly Talk了~^^

  3. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:
    不過我想可能是Wagaly TelTel的使用者更少吧!

  4. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:

  5. Sylvia Says |

    我又回來看你了,並且引用了這篇文章的部分內容喔 ^_^
    謝謝你的分享,我已經去辦了Wagaly Talk,也真的還蠻好用的喔

  6. Sylvia Says |

    我也正考慮辦個Wagaly Talk,結合ADSL,等於送好幾百塊的通話費
    ADSL,只好先只辦Wagaly Talk 用用看囉

  7. 笨Q Says |

    哎呀,那個更優秀的 Wagaly teltel ,竟然跟 Seednet 不合作了,真是可惜!! 這套網路電話軟體,音質優秀,可以穿透防火牆,加上任何地方都可以用,真是超級方便的!!可惜呀!可惜!! 怎麼粉多廠商跟 Seednet 合作後,都 自行獨立營運 呢!?是好? 還是 不好?? FON 跟 TelTel 都這樣呢!! 或許這也是 正式營運前的一個商機測試的管道吧!?

  8. chuck Says |

    Wagaly Talk 我從1代用到2代~
    話質越來越好 功能越來越強大
    上次seednet的人說 3代 要出來了
    Wagaly Talk一年幫我省了好幾萬元的電話費 跟 跟 電費

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