Virtualbox Ubuntu 12.10 在 使用 USB

virtualbox-vbox-80px在 ubuntu 8.10 时,Used to write a Virtualbox using a USB,Gnome environment 當時,As long as the settings in the user group permissions can be added,To 12.10,了 unity 換成 environment 已經,Provided through a set surface set allowed user group Yes 經沒 設已 deposits,Virtualbox USB 启动 因此 要让,Set a little way to adjust。

There are two methods,The main accounts are added to the inside vboxusers:

Method one:

Is also the fastest way to,Enter the following command in a terminal,Re-boot can be

sudo adduser 帳戶 vboxusers


Method Two:

The old-fashioned way,先安裝gnome-system-tools,You can bring up the user group to adjust permissions,Then the same account to add vboxusers。



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