Road network time when vessel 伺服 步化 same network

Windows system clock of a server synchronization function,系統內建是「」與「」兩個伺服器,Usually if you time to standard time more than too much (like 15 hours),A mistake 訊息 發生 步處 same physical appearance 會,However, in normal circumstances,Seems often error message,And we can own additional time servers to solve this problem。

1.EDIT Catalogue of open bowl 啟登,To the following directory
Add a string value in the right,Name enter a value,Such as 3,Numeric data to fill in the To add the server's URL

Server in the following alternative use

2.Setting Finished 畢後,We have just set up a server you can see the drop-down tab,Allow immediate updating 擇後 election success


8 Responses

  1. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:
    Uncertain,You can temporarily connect directly to try

  2. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:
    Ditto a Reply
    The value is changed to 3600 (decimal) can be
    Week period by table update 就代 其實 數值 這個,Seconds

  3. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:
    Open regedit after 啟,Under the approach path 徑 column
    This directory under the "SpecialPollInterval 'from' 604800 'to' 86400 'to。
    Note decimal Oh!

  4. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:
    That was it! ,I
    Thank you, provided ^ ^

  5. To the Says |

    是 non-Gaya line feedback…Not useful for the relationship between the Router?
    If the,Walk the same talent 怎樣 那要?

  6. tomy Says |


  7. Lucas Says |

    Dear Dir :
    Ask the Windows default one week's school !!
    Can I change the day school time ?

  8. Swami Says |

    Xie Xie,I found a direct hit to the URL in the text input field,不用改 registry

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