First,Google ReaderLog in,Click "on the left sideAdd subscription」,In the form pops up to fill To subscribe address,Then click on "Add」。
Then click "at the top rightSettings」,Tag conduct and permissions。
Can now be renamed and the establishment of the classification action is just subscribed to the project。
Click "Add to a folder…」,And enter a name for Tag,Here is an example of adding a "temp"The Tag。
Switch to the "Day"Set,At this point will list your existing Tag。
There may be a situation here,I could not find you just created Tag。
If this occurs,,Just click on the first "<< Back to Google Reader」,Re-order point "Setting」-「Day"Back,You can see the newly established Tag。
Select the newly established Tag,And choose "in the drop-down menupublic」,The Tag become public。
Click "add a clip to your site」!
Here we can modify the title's Network、Styles and topics。
After the setup is complete,The bottom of the copy up JavaScript,Paste it into your own Blog on,This completes Hello!
Output (Palacan graph is my extra's)
Reference page:DIS CONTINU OUS MIND: Google Reader Network produced completely Raiders